Sunday, December 24, 2023

I Can Shorten His Search


A young Eager-To-Succeed New Federal Employee is hired and told he has one job and that is to know where Hunter Biden is at all times. At first his job is a piece of cake but out of the blue one day he finds he is in deep trouble because Hunter has disappeared and he fears his Cushy Federal Career is at an end!

Fella is not here to say Eager-To-Succeed could come to me and I will always be able to tell him where Hunter is but I can assure you (and him) that I can narrow down his search for him. I will always be able to give him a for certain where Hunter is not and then he only has to look everyplace else which means he can find Hunter more quickly than he could have if I had not narrowed his field of search for him.


Oops! Did I forget to tell you where Hunter is not? Forgive me...

With absolute certainty I could always assure you (and him) that Hunter Is Not In Jail but there is a good chance Jail Is exactly where I will be going if my local Library can carry through with its recent threats directed at me.


As you may remember we recently moved. Since the move we have been to our Local Public Library several times, we have borrowed and returned a few books. Our library, however, says we did not return one of the books we borrowed and it has sent me a carefully worded threat that has me very nervous about the possibility that I may be heading for Jail...

...If such person shall thereafter willfully and knowingly fail to return such article within 15 days, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.”

(Fella did the underlining)


Do you see why I’m feeling less than loved and warmly welcomed in my new county of residence?

I bet Hunter never received such a nasty letter as this nasty letter is nasty.

If, after I unpack my 30 overnight bags and look in the next cell and see Hunter in there, I promise I will text Young Eager-To-Succeed New Federal Employee and tell him that he should come look in the cell next to mine.

However, I do not think I will ever send such a text message because there ain’t no way Hunter is gonna be in any jail cell anywhere in the Good Ole USofA even if he were to check out and not return a half dozen books from my Local Public Library.

Hunter is not afraid of my Local Public Library but I sure am.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Here is what I did. I threw in the towel. I called my library and begged to be allowed to pay for the lost book (which I really think I have already returned). I did this because I knew that my Local Public Library had many lawyers at its disposal and I do not even have a brother-in-law who used to be a lawyer. I paid $28.99 for that book I probably already returned.

Lagniappe Part 2: Now I am sitting here perplexed and trying to understand how a measly $28.99 could be equated to a $500 fine or 30 days in a jail cell that is not even next to Hunter Biden’s Jail Cell.

(Fella did the underlining)


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas May Not Be Losing Steam After All

Tokyo December 22, 2023
Merry Christmas!!!

Lagniappe: According to the Government of Japan, 69.0% of the population practices Shintō, 66.7% practice Buddhism, 1.5% practice Christianity and 6.2% practice other religions as of 2018.
(Can anyone explain why this adds to 143.4%?)

Friday, December 22, 2023

I Did This One on April 16, 2017 But You Forgot I Did So I'm Doing It Again Cuz It's A Good One

I'm about to go on another Steve Allen Tirade. Get ready cuz it's gonna be worth the time you take to read what I have to say about a true comic genius (and song writer and musician and author).

Hang on. It's going to be worth the long read that I'm going to send in the next few days (and I promise you it will be a long read) but for now here is a Steve Allen Short Read that's very interesting...


(Steve Allen’s Book ‘HiHo Steverino’)

A public figure undertaking to write his autobiography faces at least one problem: so much is already known of him that his story can scarcely hope to surprise the reader at every turn of the narrative. The novelist is under no such handicap. Unhindered by facts, he need be guided only by his imagination, which has unlimited freedom. The autobiographer on the other hand, if he has a conscience, must conform to the details of his history, particularly those which are a matter of public record.

I choose to start, therefore, by referring to several elements of my personal history which have been reported by the media. Let me briefly set them down:

Ø I was born in Chicago.

Ø I am Jewish. My first wife was Jewish.

Ø I am the third richest man in the entertainment field, after Bob Hope and the late Bing Crosby, with a personal fortune of over 200 million dollars.

Ø I play the piano only in the key of G.

Ø I write every word of my own comedy material.

Ø I am generally procommunist, despite which I at one time recommended bombing China's nuclear facilities.

Ø I am a pacifist.

Ø I am also a Unitarian.

Ø I take drugs.

Ø I plan to run for political office.

Ø I am the composer of such successful songs as "Misty," "Teach Me Tonight," and "Quando Caliente El Sol."

Ø I am a gifted clarinetist, as proven by my performance in the motion picture The Benny Goodman Story.

Ø I replaced comedian Jerry Lester on the Tonight show.

Ø Though generally affable, I am a man of occasionally violent temper, and in one instance broke the plate glass door of the William Morris Agency building in Beverly Hills, after having been refused admittance late at night by a security guard.

Anyone about whom the above specifics are true must be a fascinating fellow, indeed. Unfortunately, I am not nearly so interesting. There is no truth at all to any of the statements listed above, though each has appeared in the public record.


May 2017...Today the news is full of stories about Fake News. It looks like Fake News has been with us since at least May 1992 because that’s when Hi Ho Steverino was first published

Friday, December 15, 2023

Quick! Turn On The Faucet!


An effective fighting force is not achieved by turning on a faucet. They happen because of years of training, years of hard work and dedication by those doing the training and those that are being trained.

During COVID-19 lots of silly things were done and among the silliest was the decision made to kick out of our Armed Forces large numbers of well-trained members of our Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard because they refused to be Vaccinated with the Covid Vaccination.


Now, years later, the chickens have come home to roost and the safety and security of our country is in jeopardy.

Amid a historic military recruiting crisis, unvaccinated soldiers who were kicked out of the U.S. Army are now being invited back.

Somewhere in the Pentagon this recently happened...

Ø Oh, chit! Get ‘em back! Quick! Turn on the faucet!

Ø But, General Silly, it does not work that way! It’s gonna take awhile!

In a recent letter to “former service member[s],” Brigadier General Hope C. Rampy informed recipients that “former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records.”

The COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate was officially repealed early this year in line with a provision in the defense package passed in December 2022. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin first mandated COVID-19 Vaccination on Aug. 24, 2021, just weeks after announcing his intention to do so through an Aug. 9 memo.


I know that My Dear Readers are clear thinkers because they read my Foolishness. Being clear thinkers each of you know how important and expensive it is to develop and maintain a force of Highly Trained Combatants. Once our money and resources have achieved the high level of combat readiness that is necessary to defend our country it is something that must be protected because, if lost, it is hard to achieve again.

Back in 2021 some of our military leaders lost sight of the good sense described in the above paragraph and put into place a Vaccination Mandate that kicked out more than 8,000 troops from the various military branches because they were not COVID-19 Vaccinated.

Here is a Fella Explanation of why this Kick ‘Em Out Mandate makes perfect sense...Or does it?

Ø A member of our Armed Forces who refused to take the COVID-19 Virus Shot would be at high risk of getting the Coronavirus.

Ø If this were to happen that Stubborn Highly Trained Armed Forces Guy could become a Highly Trained Armed Forces COVID-19 Virus Carrying Guy.

Ø If that Stubborn Highly Trained Armed Forces COVID-19 Virus Carrying Guy was deployed into a combat zone and if he were to become engaged with an enemy combatant in hand to hand combat it is possible he could give the virus to that Unsuspecting Enemy Combatant Guy and that would not be nice!

Aren’t you glad you read this Blog Posting? If everyone in the world also read this Blog Posting, everyone in the world would be as well informed as you are and that would be nice.

Would I kid u?


Sunday, November 26, 2023

I Keep Saying I’m Smart and You Keep Thinking You Are Smarter Than I Am Smart. OK, Smarty, Prove It!

Explain this to me...

Ø As you know I just had 2 stents put into me.

Ø I have been given prescriptions for 2 drugs that are very important to me and my heart that is in me.

Ø One of the prescriptions is supposed to Prevent Clotting around My Stents.

Ø My pharmacist looked me straight in my disbelieving eyes and said, “That will be $261.89 for a one month’s supply”.

Ø My pharmacist did not seem the least bit sympathetic as I started to whimper.

Ø I said, “How many months will I have to take this prescription?”

Ø She calmly said, “That’s depends but you have been given 11 refills.”

Ø At this point my mind is racing to try and calculate how much 12 times $261.89 is.

Ø I won’t say I got it calculated exactly right in my head but I came close enough to almost have my heart attack me.

Ø Later my calculator and I figured it out exactly...$3,142.68.

Ø My mind was still racing as I thought to myself, “It’s really more than $3,142.68 because I am almost certainly going to be taking this pill more than a mere 12 months!”

Ø I accepted my predicament.

Ø I paid for my prescription.

Ø I went home and started taking my pills.

Ø Yes I whimper as each pill is taken.


Here’s the part of this Blog Posting where you get your chance to prove that you are smarter than Fella.

Eight days after the operation I had my first follow-up appointment with my Cardiologist (It gives one pause when he realizes that he now has his very own Cardiologist.)...

Ø My Medical Advisor (my daughter) says to my Cardiologist, “What about Plavix? Could not Plavix do the same thing as the $261.89 prescription?”

Ø My Cardiologist says, “Yes it could. I’ll write you a prescription for Plavix”.

Ø I did not yet know the significance of what my Cardiologist had just said but my Medical Advisor (my daughter) did and did she look pleased with what my Cardiologist had just said.


We are getting near the bottom of this Blog Posting so here is the Bottom Line...

Ø Plavix costs $6.00 per month.

Ø You don’t need a calculator to get to the annual cost of $72.00?...Or do you?

Ø Do you need a calculator to figure out that that $72.00 is $3,070.68 less than the $261.89 times 12 drug?

OK, smarty, show me how smart you are...

Why was I prescribed a drug that costs $3,070.68 a year more than another long-used proven far cheaper drug that does the same thing?

Don’t jump to the conclusion that it’s all about some the drug company and/or doctors making a lot of money. That the easy way out of this question and could not be the answer...Or could it not be?

Would I kid u?



Monday, November 20, 2023

Nothing to Worry About...Or is there?

For those of you have been wondering where I have been this is part of the answer. I have been in an out of the hospital. But the good news is I still have the stamina and presence of mind to peck out Foolishness...Or Is It Blog Postings...Or is that good news?

There could and might be several Blog Postings about my 72 hours brush with death. There were lots of good things that happened while I was in the hospital. A really good thing is I am still vertical and very thankful for the professional, talented and caring people who kept me upright.

There were other things that happened where the best that can be said about some of the people who had my life in their less than capable hands is, Wow! What great fodder for someone who writes a blog called, Foolishness...Or Is It?!


Here is one of the several negative Blog Postings I could but may not write...

  • It was about 12:30am. 
  • I’m hooked up to 3 different machines. 
  • A nurse rushes in and says, “Your oxygen is falling!”
  • I start asking questions. 
  • She does not respond but keeps clicking on the computer. 
  • Then she rushes out. 
  • I think to myself...Is she is going to get a doctor? ... Or is she going to get some big uncomfortable probe to stick into me!? ... Or is she getting out of here because she thinks I am dying and she does not want to be anywhere near me as I fade away cuz she might be blamed for my fading!?
  • I started taking deep breaths to get much needed oxygen into my failing body.
  • About an hour later a different nurse comes in and I take a chance and pause my deep breathing and say, "My oxygen is falling!" 
  • She looked at the computer screen and said, “Looks good to me”.

Then she left leaving me and my heart laying there wondering, if I could get myself unhooked and was able to get over to that closet, is there something I could use to bar the door that would prevent any more Caregivers from getting in to “Care” for me?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Oh yea, why was I at death’s door? I needed to have 2 Stents Inserted in an artery running down the front of my heart and during the stent insertion the artery was punctured and you know what happens when that happens. If you want to know the Rest of the Story you gonna have to wait for the movie to come out.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Let’s Call It A Whole Bunch

There have been many figures thrown around recently by our News Media estimating how many Americans are trapped and/or stuck in the Gaza Strip. I have heard 400 and I have heard 600. (Isn’t it strange how our News Media always throws around Rounded Figures?) For the sake of getting along with the pecking out of this Blog Posting let’s just go along with the Subject Line above and say it is A Whole Bunch.

Whatever the exact number is is not important to Fella and the Foolishness he is about to create. The important thing is, What The Heck Were They Doing In The Gaza Strip To Begin With?


I’m not one to propose to waste American Tax Payer’s Money but I think that a Whatever It Takes Tax Increase ought to be imposed on us to do the following...

As each of these Gazan Trapped and/or Stuck Americans sets foot back in the Good Ole USofA, if and when they are released, they ought to be met by a Team Of American Tax Payer Funded Psychiatrists with American Tax Payer Funded Couches and the Gazan Escapees ought to be immediately laid down on these American Tax Payer Funded Couches and asked a series of questions like...

Ø What the hell were you thinking?

Ø Have you not been watching TV for the last 40 or so years?

Ø Don’t you know that Gaza is a Hell Hole?

Ø Don’t you know that Lucifer has been running short on living accommodations for the condemned for the last 10 years he has been sending his overflow to Gaza?

Ø Have you not seen the Rioting in Gaza during the last 10 years?

Ø Don’t you know that 95% of those riots are caused by the Gaza Condemned demanding that they be sent to the Real Hell instead of the Gaza Substitute Hell?  


On the other hand, maybe we ought to stop trying to get them back. Our Immigration System has always had quotas and, from what I have been seeing recently on TV and in our 9% Approval Rated Congress, we must already be far over our quota of Dumb People.

Would I kid u?



Thursday, October 26, 2023

I Knew Going In With Absolute Certainty I Was Being Lied To!


Yes, this just happened to me...Again.

I was registering online for a Doctor’s Appointment. The Doctor’s Computer told me, “This preregistration process will take only 5 to 10 minutes to complete”.

It actually took 35 minutes to complete.

Without a doubt I was lied to and my Doctor’s Computer knew it was lying to me!

Would I kid u?



Monday, October 23, 2023

Let Me Do Da Stealing I’m One of Us


News Clips | October 21, 2023

During a House Oversight Subcommittee hearing on Oct. 19, founder and CEO of Audient Group Linda Miller, the former deputy executive director of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee in the Department of Justice, disclosed that according to some estimates, half of U.S. pandemic unemployment assistance fraud went to adversarial nations. Her comments came in response to a question from Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) concerning a recent federal prosecution of a group of Chinese state-linked hackers who stole an estimated $20 million in relief funds.

(Fella did the underlining.)

If you are like me you did not read the above News Clip close enough. The amount of stolen money the article is telling us about is not only $20 Million (betcha did not know it was possible to use the word “only” with $20 Million). The article brings to light the fact that 50% of U.S. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Fraud that was stolen was stolen by Chinese State-Linked Hackers. The total U.S. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Money Stolen was $40 Million!

Does this mean that Members of our 9% Approval Rated Congress sit around their formerly smoke-filled rooms and says the likes of this to each other, “OK, we need umptiump billions of dollars for this worthy cause. Since we know that umptiump billions of dollars are going to be stolen we need to increase the tax increase needed for this worthy cause by umptiump billions of dollars so we will have enough un-stolen billions left.”

Does it ever cross their small minds that maybe they ought to stop the stealing?

Is this country completely out of control or what?


Here comes the Foolishness...Or is it?

We have perfectly good certified criminals in the Good Ole USofA. 

If I were a perfectly good certified criminal in the Good Ole USofA I would be offended. 

I can just hear Vito complaining to the boys at barber shop...

Ø Why is this country allowing foreign criminals to steal Pandemic Unemployment Funds?

Ø Just because we are Criminals does not mean are not Patriotic.

Ø If this country is going to be stupid enough to allow $20 Million to be stolen like this, it ought to send us a text message and tell us that they are this stupid and offer us the opportunity to steal it rather than them allowing this perfectly good money go to these low life foreign bad guys who are not patriotic criminals like us.

Ø That just ain’t right!

I agree with Vito. Our Rulers are indeed stupid.


The Blogging is over. This is Fella being absolutely serious. What this means is Foreign and/or Domestic Criminals can steal $20 to $40 Million just by clicking on a computer’s keys without having to go out and buying or stealing a gun. Vito is right. That just ain’t right.

Would I kid u?


Friday, October 20, 2023

If It Weren’t So Serious It Would Be Silly

For 2 weeks now there has been no news except news about Hamas and Israel.

If we were back to 3 weeks ago the News Media would be going berserk about all kinds of other reported disasters of the day. If there are no disasters on any given day the News Media will make ordinary non-disasters sound like disastrous disasters...

Ø Breaking News!

Ø This Just It!

Ø He Did It Again!

Ø He Didn’t Do It again!

Ø Harry Met Sally!

Ø Harry And Sally Have Split Up!

I think it is quite possible that, if the Exclamation Point had not been invented, the News Media would not have been invented.

It’s what they do. They make ordinary non-disasters sound like disastrous disasters.

After this war is a thing of the past they will go back to shouting at us about all the things that they are paying no never mind to at this time.

The sad part is they will get us to worry about all those unimportant molehills.

Maybe we are the silly ones.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Come to think about it, have you ever come across An Important Molehill?

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Are We Too Civilized To Try and Stop Evil? or Whoever Invented the Smudge Ought To Have His Statue Torn Down

I was hesitant to write this Blog Posting because I would not get much support from many of you out there because you out there are too civilized and I am on the precipice of I Don’t Care Anymore.

This is going to be a hard Blog Posting to write but I’m going to give it a go. Please read on and see how I go about pecking it out knowing that many of you are going to say to me, “How could you!”


I’ll set this up by talking about a Smudge Absurdity...

Ø Several years ago in broad daylight a man stole a baby right out of a carriage being pushed by its mother.

Ø The man and the man's face were caught on a security camera running up the street with the baby in hand being chased by the mother’s other two small children.

Ø Did you just say to yourself, “That’s great! They got a clear picture of the bad guy’s face and were going to be broadcasting it on TV and on the Internet and in short order they would apprehend the bad guy and get the baby back to its distraught Mother!”

Ø That’s not what happened because the people in charge of doing stupid things put a smudge over the face of the fleeing baby-stealing bad guy.

Ø Because of the smudge, instead of people down the street seeing the bad guy running with a baby under his arm and tackling him and taking the stolen baby away from him, they saw him coming toward them and they said to themselves, “I wonder if that is the baby stealer I just saw on the TV (and/or the Internet)? No, that’s not him. The TV (and/or the Internet) baby stealer had a smudge for a face.”


Here is where I start treading on thin ice.

The news reports about the Israeli-Hamas War are going Smudge Crazy. Hamas has been doing some really Awful Things and the world is almost getting to see the Awful Things but not getting to see the Awful Things because they are Smudged Over.

Two nights ago I was telling my long-suffering wife (she is long suffering because I’ve got no one else that will listen to me) that the Smudges ought to be removed because the world needs to see the Awful in all of its Awfulness.

Then last night the Smartfella was proven right (to himself at least). I saw on TV, over and over, Hamas Supporters say that it was not true that babies had their heads cut off. It was just Israeli Lies.


I say let the world see the Evil!

Maybe, just maybe, it will make some of the Hamas Supporters in our universities go back to their video games instead of going out and demonstrating with their cue cards in hand.

Maybe if they saw a baby head or two cut off unsmudged (is that a word?) they would see the light and call a spade a spade and see how the cow really eats the cabbage and say, “Eureka, I now understand! I see that the Evil out there is Evil! I wanna become Jew!”


I think I have made myself confusingly clear. If you do not see my absolutely perfectly irrefutable logic I feel sorry for you.

On the other hand I understand that all of what I pecked out above will fall on many deaf ears because many of the demonstrators who see the babies heads rolling into the streets will say, “Just what I expected! Netanyahu cut off those babies’ heads with a kitchen knife and paid Fox News to make it look like Hamas did it”


The guy with the microphone asks: “How Do You Know That?”

The demonstrator replies, “Because it says so on my cue card!”

Would I kid u?


Monday, October 09, 2023

In The Old Days We Knew What Beauty Looked Like

The Old Days Are a Thing Of The Past

(That may be one of the silliest things I have ever pecked out!)


I’ll start over...

In The Old Days We Knew What Beauty Looked Like

In the New Days some of us are confused about Beauty.

Nah! That does not get my point across either.


I’ll try again...

In The New Days Some of Us Are Beauty Stupid

The more age advanced among my Dear Readers remember Marilyn. I am so confident about that I will save time and not even peck out her last name...

Below is what Modern Advertising Executives think is Beautiful...

Beauty Stupid #1...

Beauty Stupid #2...

What’s wrong with them?

I will finish up this Blog Posting by trying to help you forget what you just saw and think about Marilynn What's Her Name.

Even Marilyn’s 2 Friends Below Are Better Looking Than the Modern Advertising Executives’ 3 Friends Above...

Would I kid u?



Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Post Office Again...You Already Know I Am Smart But Did You Know I Am Smarter Than The U.S. Post Office (USPS)?


If I were in charge of the USPS my phone call the other day to the USPS would not have gone like this...

Ø I punched phone prompts for over 5 minutes.

Ø I had to jump through 5 different sets of phone prompts.

Ø At the end of the 5 minutes of frustrating punching the USPS Phone Computer said to me, “Hey, dummy, you called on a holiday. We are closed today because it is a holiday, dummy. Call back when it is not a holiday, dummy.”

Ø Ok I embellished the prior Bullet Point...It was a lot briefer than that. It simply said, “We are closed today. Call back during regular business hours.”

That’s what it really said but I know what USPS Phone Computer was thinking. It was thinking I was a dummy.


If I were in charge of the USPS, my phone call to the USPS would have been very short because in the very beginning I would have been told that they were closed and the Herculean Effort to make me Phone Punch Drunk would not have taken place.

Would I kid u?




Thursday, September 07, 2023

I Won’t Say Making a Change of Address at the Post Office Is Impossible but Based On My Recent Personal Experience It Ain’t Possible

I hope My Dear Readers have been wondering where I have been but I won’t ask if they noticed I have been gone because I might not want to hear their answer.


We have moved about 25 miles north of where we have lived for more than 20 years and I am worried about the impending Cold Winter Months fast coming upon me. It has been a long time since I have lived this far north. I hope, at my advanced age, I will be able to handle the cold up here.

There have been times when I have traveled further north than where I am presently living now but I could handle the uneasiness that I felt creaking over me because I knew it was only temporary.

It ain’t temporary no more.


The U.S. Postal Service Has Come a Long Way

Or Has It?

It used to be so easy. You have moved your place of residence. You need to file a Change of Address with your local post office. You go to your local post office and fill out a Change of Address Card. You then forgot about it because the USPS handled it all. Your mail started arriving at your new address. It used to be so simple. It ain’t simple any longer because the USPS has become computerized.

Since all My Dear Readers are Sly, Cunning and Alert I know that each of you have taken note that I used the words “It Ain’t Possible” in the subject of this Blog Posting. (Yea, I can see that Blogspot's Software has a hitch in its get along and it is putting the Subject as part of the body of the Blog Posting. Please forgive me or Blogspot.)

I know what I am doing. I am a semi accomplished user of words.  I deliberately used those three words because they belong there. I wish they didn’t but they do.

In trying to get my mail delivery changed I have spent many hours...

Ø On my computer.

Ø On my phone.

Ø On hold waiting for someone to pick up the phone at my Computerized USPS.

Ø Waiting for a USPS Call Back because I was silly enough to fall for my USPS’s slick computerized offer to enter the cue and wait for it to call me back.

Ø Visited my new local post office to plead for help, assistance or someone to pay attention to me but I got none of any of the three.

My address is unchanged coming up on 4 weeks since I first submitted my change of address to my Computerized USPS (8/12/23).

My mail has stopped coming to my old house but is not coming to my new house. I find myself picturing a big snake that has swallowed a pig. If I ever start receiving all the mail that the USPS is holding inside that snake I am going to need a bigger mailbox. (Remind you of Jaws?)


Here’s one that you will not believe but it actually happened...

Yesterday I received a ray of hope that my mail would start up again. I got a letter from the USPS that addressed my Change of Address.

It appears that there are now two parts to the USPS Change of address Procedures. The Change of Address itself and something called Informed Delivery.

The other day I got into a Text Messaging Exchange (actually not much of an exchange because she did all the texting) with a USPS Associate/Employee/Ignorer or whatever they are being called now.

Ø Her: You have to complete the Official Change of Address Form and I see that you have done that.

Ø Her Again: The second part is updating the Informed Delivery Profile from the old address to the new address.

Ø Her Again: If this did not happen you would get notifications for the old address mail and the service would keep holding your mail because you have a Change of Address in place.

I double dare you to read that 3rd Bullet Point over and over and see if you ever get to an understanding of what the heck she was talking about.

The closest I can figure out is she said because I put in a change of address the USPS is holding my mail.


This Blog Posting has been going on for awhile so I’m sorry to keep pecking it out but I’ve got nothing else to do because I don’t have any mail to read.

I also got on the phone yesterday with a USPS Representative about Informed Delivery...

Ø I told him I never signed up for Informed Delivery.

Ø He said I have been signed up with Informed Delivery 7 years ago.

Ø I asked what Informed Delivery was.

Ø He said with Informed Delivery the USPS takes pictures of the envelopes of my incoming mail and sends those pictures to me so I would know what mail would be in my mailbox before it is in my mail box.

Ø I told him I have never received a single picture of yet-to-arrive-mail during this entire 7 years he said I have been signed up for Informed Delivery.

Here is the part where you are going to think to yourself...Fella, You Made This Up. The USPS Representative said to me, “That may be true but Informed Delivery does not cost you anything”.

Would I kid u?
