Thursday, July 20, 2023

Federal Crimes Are Not All They Were Once Cracked Up To Be

Since I am The Noticer I noticed this on the back of a bottle of Household Cleaner in a Grocery Store...

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

Huh? Is it possible that our Federal Government (Our Rulers) is getting drunk with power? What’s going to be the penalty if we use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling?

Ø We are going to go to jail for the rest of our lives? How many of us will commit suicide because we will find we can’t handle our fellow inmates laughing at us year after year after we tell them why we were sentenced to eat lunch next to them year after year?

Ø Will a Bureaucrat be assigned to us 24/7 to make sure we do not ever use a Household Cleaner for the rest of our lives?

Ø Will we commit suicide because we will be unable to bring ourselves to tell our fellow inmates why we were sentenced to eat lunch with them for the rest of our lives because we were afraid they would laugh at us for the rest of our lives?

Would I kid u?
