Thursday, October 17, 2013

Don’t You Dare Say Our Federal Government Cannot Do Three Things At The Same Time!

Yesterday our beloved Federal Government resolved three biggies on the same day…

  • It resolved the Federal Government Shutdown.
  • It resolved the latest Debt Limit Silliness by Kicking the Can Down the Road. Actually my use of “resolved” is not a proper use of the word “resolved”. Their kick only nicked the ole can because the ole can only went a short distance down the ole road.
  • It resolved the SEC’s five year old attack on Mark Cuban by finding ole Mark NOT GUILTY.

I attacked the SEC’s attack on Mr. Cuban in my blog posting on 3/29/13. Click below to enjoy (I hope) my silliness all over again…

Since this is the bottom of this one, I will peck out The Bottom Line

If the SEC is going to spend five years attacking one of us, they ought to be required by Federal Law to have a case against that particular one of us.

Where does Mr. Cuban go to get the five years of Big Bucks he spent defending himself?

Would I kid u?

