Thursday, February 21, 2013

Putting Wal-Mart Out Of Business Could Prove Very Costly

There are many among us who appear to have a burning desire to put Wal-Mart completely out of business.

If Wal-Mart were actually done away with I feel quite certain that Congress would feel obligated to create a subsidy whereby all abandoned Wal-Mart Customers would receive a reimbursement from the U.S. Treasury for all the money they would have saved at Wal-Mart if only Wal-Mart had not gone out of business.

Picture in your mind’s eye how many people who never set foot into a Wal-Mart and who actively campaigned against Wal-Mart’s very existence would be frantically filling out the Wal-Mart Economic Hardship Reimbursement Form.

Would I kid u?


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