Saturday, June 20, 2020

Main Stream Media Investigative Reporters Are Mysteriously Dying and No One Knows Why...No One Except Me That Is

Yes, my Dear Readers, I am on top of it! (I much prefer being recognized for being On Top Of It than being acknowledged as Being Full Of It).

I know why Investigative Reporters are dying and, if you will do the following, you will know also...

Ø Skim the list below from Our World In Data.

Ø Don’t concentrate on it, don’t analyze it, don’t think about it too much or don’t start clicking on the links because you might die also.

Ø The list contains 116 Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Charts.

We used to say, “That’s More Than You Can Shake a Stick At”. Today I’m going to say what we used to say, “That’s More Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Charts than You Can Shake a Stick At”.


Let's get back to the Dying News Media People. Here is why they are dying...

We all know that the News Media thrives on Bad News. We all know that every member of our News Media has a sign on the wall in their Cubicle, Office, Car, Home and Palace that reads, “Good News Is Not News”.

The Our World In Data list below found its way into Newsrooms across the Good Ole USofA. The excitement it created was a sight to behold. They looked at it and exclaimed, “Wow! This is a treasure trove of Bad News! Why that’s more Bad News than You Can Shake a Stick At!”

As they dove into the list they found that they could not stop looking for Bad News Story after Bad News Story inside the list. They stopped eating. They stopped sleeping. Divorces was everywhere in Media World. Even when they found really Alarming Bad News they could not stop looking and clicking for more really Alarming Bad News.

Then it started happening...Their heads started to explode. It was awful!


Ok, proceed with caution and, for your own safety, remember to skim...

Our World In Data


All our research and data on Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)...

Read the article


That appears to be a complete list but it is not a complete list. I actually see one chart that did not make the list.

Yes, My Dear Readers, there could have been a Chart #117...

The Number of Skinny People Who Got COVID-19 Divided By the Number of Over Weight People Who Would Have Gotten the Disease If They Had Mistakenly Worn Their Masks Inside Out

How they could have missed this one I’ll never know.

Would I kid u?
