What is that? Oh, I remember that. It once was quite
Common. It was called Common Sense. Awhile back they (whoever “they” are)
started attacking everything and Common Sense was the first thing to go. The
saddest part is those of us with Common Sense just sat back and said nothing. I
guess you might say we were dumbfounded by the dumbness of it all.
Now the new Health and Human Services (HHS) has come
out and boldly stated What We Always Knew About Sex (Formerly part of Father’s the
Birds and the Bees Sit Down) ...
Male and Female Are the Only Two Sexes and That the Sexes
Cannot Be Changed
During the Attack Everything Era the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of HHS’s Agencies, redefined
Sex as...
An individual’s Biological Status as Male, Female, or
Something Else
This caused Merriam, Webster, Oxford,
Cambridge, Abbott and Costello to say to their collective selves, “This
is not acceptable! Definitions are all about the act or process of stating a
precise meaning or significance.”
Fella is outraged also. He will now peck out
a Fellaifications (he says he will use Silliness to explain the Silliness) ...
Central Intelligence Agency Text Message: Someone working for the CIA sends an emergency Text
Message to the CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA that goes like this, “As
directed, I am going to Spies R Us National Convention this morning. My top-secret
pouch of spy instructions says that all attendees must wear a certain item of
clothing and whoever enters the convention hall without that item of clothing
will be shot dead as soon as he enters. My top-secret spy instructions do not tell
me what item of clothing I must wear. Please advise ASAP!”
CIA Headquarters’
Response: “We
understand your sense of urgency and we apologize for sending incomplete top-secret
spy instructions. You should wear a hat like Brear Bryant used to wear when he
coached Alabama’s football team or Something Else.”
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: Did fella say something
about Abbott & Costello?