Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why Do We Invent Crimes?

That recently resigned mayor who was forced out of office because he had a tendency to Grab/Pinch/Kiss any woman within reach is getting a raw deal.

Hold on a minute. Don’t start pecking out a comment or an email or placing a call to the Smartfella on the phone to set him straight. The “raw deal” reference above is defensible but it is hard to see because it is surrounded by foolishness. Please allow me to explain...

The once mayor knows when the jig is up (whatever that means). He figured out that he was in Deep Do Do, resigned and pleaded guilty to Felony False Imprisonment and two Misdemeanor Counts of Battery.

The two Misdemeanor Counts of Battery stem from Kissing or Groping two different women. That will teach him!

Where I start quibbling with what is happening to him is the False Imprisonment Charge...

  • Did he lock some women up in his basement when they did not ask to be locked up in his basement?
  • Did he throw them into the trunk of his car with his golf clubs?
  • Did he put a chair up against the door knob of the exit door from the ladies room late on Friday afternoon and force them to sit in there all weekend?

No, he did not do any of these awful things. Here is what he did...

The False Imprisonment Charge stems from putting a female co-worker in a headlock.

The article did not say how long he had “imprisoned” her in his lock. I will concede that this is not the proper thing to do to a female co-worker but, I ask you, is this really “imprisonment” in the strictest sense of the word?

I will further concede that, if he had locked her head and kept her locked head in there for a weekend that would be “imprisonment”. If he did such a dastardly thing he should get his just deserts (whatever that means).

I have an idea. Why not charge him with something more to the point like...

Putting a Female Co-Worker in a Headlock?

If the Smartfella made any money off of his blog, he might be able to hire some of the Charge Inventors away from our Judicial System to come up with Silliness for my blog.

They could then feed me Silly for my Foolishness.

Would I kid u?

