Saturday, December 04, 2021

The Exact Right Words


If you are like me, you think of the Exact Right Words after the event where you could have used the Exact Right Words is long gone. David Niven did not have that problem. His words were Exactly Right...

Robert Opel’s Streaking

Robert Opel was a photographer for the LGBT magazine The Advocate and much to everyone’s surprise, it was the 46th Academy Award ceremony (1974) when he made a name for himself by wearing nothing at all and streaking behind actor David Niven while he was hosting.

David Niven smartly remarked:

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, that was almost bound to happen… But isn’t it fascinating to think that probably the only laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings?”

Didya say you wanted to see a Video?

Would I kid u?
