Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Truth Isn’t Always Silly But It Is More Fun When It Is


My local paper keeps telling me things that are True But Silly. This is the latest headline to catch my eye...

Georgia Judge Appoints Lawyer to Represent Dog

The case in question is about a Pit Bull that bit a small child. The judge took this drastic action because, if the dog is “convicted”, it could face The Death Penalty.

What’s next for court appointed lawyers?...

The Shirt...

Ø A T-Shirt was arrested in New York City for the message that was written on it.

Ø That offending message was...

“People With Warts In The Middle Of The End Of Their Noses Are Ugly”

Ø The Wart Lovers of America National President happened to be walking by the Offending T-Shirt and he saw what he considered this Crude and Offending Message and was immediately horrified.

Ø He reported the T-Shirt to a near-by Policeman who arrested the T-Shirt on the spot.

The T-Shirt was ordered to Lay For Trial. (Since T-Shirts cannot Stand on their own it could not be ordered to Stand For Trial.)

I can hear the court appointed defense attorney making the following cogent points...

Ø Let’s face it. A T-Shirt should not be persecuted for what is printed on it.

Ø The T-Shirt actually has no control over what is printed on it.

Ø Another actually...Actually people say “T-Shirts Say” but they don’t “say” anything. They are but innocent victims at the mercy of the people who print words on them.

Ø Most of all, let us not forget, T-Shirts Are People Too!

The Open Space...


Some of you may not be aware that I have the ability to change postings after they have been posted. If any of you would like to add another silly Court Appointed Lawyer Story, I will be more than glad to add your foolishness to my foolishness.

Most of you are hesitant to add comments. If you prefer to write me a personal email with a silly idea to fill in The Open Space above, I will be glad to publish your words and make you as famous as I am famous.

It might make you nervous to contemplate the fact that your words will be read all my followers. Don’t let that bother you. I don’t have that many followers. L

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: If you are not the type that does what I tell them to do (write me a personal email with a silly idea) and you just prefer to read about Silliness, click here and Read All About It... https://www.iveyengineering.com/hilarious-true-court-cases-wont-believe/