Sometimes my readers think I am being silly. Thinking I am being silly is Foolish.
In my blog posting on May 11, 2010 called "Giant Sucking Sound" I predicted our beautiful Planet Earth turning into a Giant Wobbling Raisin.
My Foolishness is intended to make you laugh. This is further proof that, after you stop laughing, you had better think about what I have just told you. Remember the "...Or Is It" part of the name of this blog.
Go to the Link below, take in what you see and then say out loud three times, "I am sorry I thought the Smartfella? was silly."
The link...
Would I kid u?
Enjoy my mind wanderings. Thought provoking. Serious humor. Stimulating thought since 2006. Nathaniel Hawthorne-"Easy reading is damn hard writing." Tertullian-"Credo quia absurdum", I believe it because it is absurd. John Lennox-"Nonsense remains nonsense, even when talked by world-famous scientists." George Burns-"Someone who makes you laugh is a comedian. Someone who makes you think and then laugh is a humorist." Willy Wonka-"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."