I have been seriously trying to lose weight since January 12, 2021. I have really worked at it and It Ain’t Easy!...
It’s not like Falling Off a Log.
It’s not A Piece of Cake.
It’s not Easy As Pie.
I have made progress but it has been Slow As Molasses.
(I’m done with the catch phrases.)
I have lost 18.2 pounds. A month ago today I had lost 15.4 pounds. This means I have I lost 2.8 pounds in this last month. I don’t know about you but this last month’s 2.8 pound weight loss does not impress me.
On June 16th I heard a Local Celebrity say on a radio commercial, “With the Falling Off A Log Piece of Cake Easy As Pie Weight Loss Program (would you believe I made that name up?) you could Lose 50 Pounds by Labor Day!”
Now I don’t want to impugn the veracity of Celebrities, even local ones, but that is poppycock! I don’t think that much weight can be shed in only 2.5 months!
I can just hear my fellow Georgians saying to their wives/partners/significant others, “You know it’s got to me true. One of our Local Celebrities said it was true. It has the Celebrity Seal of Approval”.
Local Celebrities have tremendous power to influence their Local Minions. Multiply that power 10 fold and you have the Gargantuan Influence that Hollywood Celebrities or Sports “Heroes” have over all their Minions spread all across the Fruited Plain.
That’s why we have...
Established Hollywood Celebrities telling us How to Vote.
Future Established Hollywood Celebrities (have just made one movie) telling us what the Climatic Conditions are going to be like in our neck of the woods in 3,000 years, if we don’t take the action that they are being paid to tell us to take before next Thursday.
The Sports Super Hero telling the U.S. Army that Soldiers today should not be given Live Ammunition because they might shoot at a bad guy and miss the intended target and instead hit a Small Child innocently riding on his Big Wheel.
Being a Minion is hard. That’s why we need Celebrity
Direction and Control because We Know Nothing!...Or do we?
Would I kid u?