Saturday, July 21, 2012

We Are Not Allowed To Have Good News ... It Is A Federal Law!

I have written before about our News Media loving bad news and, in this posting, I going to do it again.

Price of Gasoline Going Up and Up

We were told for weeks that high gas prices were ruining our economy...

  • Everything was going to cost more because it costs more to get everything shipped to us.
  • After filling up their gas tanks people have no money left to buy groceries.
  • The price of gas was so high that people were not able to put gas in their cars to drive to work.

Then when the price of gasoline started going down I actually heard a Talking Head tell me that ... The falling price of gasoline was a sure sign of a slowdown in the economy.


For almost a year and a half we have been told...

  • Innocent men, women and children were being slaughtered in the streets of Syria.
  • The country was on the brink of civil war.
  • The U.N. is helpless to bring an end to the killing.

A few days ago it appeared that the Syrian government is on the verge of collapse and my nightly news told me ... The U.S. Government was concerned about the implications of a sudden collapse of the Syrian Regime.

Sometimes I think that, if I were watching the Evening News one night and I said to my wife, “Well things are sure looking up” a member of our News Media would kick down my front door and come rushing in and slap me in the face.

Would I kid u?