Sunday, July 25, 2021

Are They Going To Tell Us Every Time Anybody Anywhere Gets COVID?

The other day I saw this “shocking” headline on top of a News Article...

Portuguese Surfer Frederico Morais Tests Positive for COVID-19

Who? Do you know who this guy is? I sure don’t. Is this the tip of the Proverbial Iceberg? Does this mean that we are going to see a News Article Attention Getting Headline every time anyone anywhere gets COVID?

I don’t have this much attention in me! I must have Attention Deficit Disorder! J

Here are 3 COVID Positive Test Result Headlines we will see in times to come...

Ø Raymond Rasputin of Toledo, OH has tested positive for COVID-19!

Ø Agnes Hickenloop of Meridian, MS has tested positive for COVID-19!

Ø Bradley Paseworth of Provo, UT has tested positive for COVID-19!

I made up these 3 People especially for use in the above phony headlines. It makes no never mind that these 3 people do not exist. They deserve to be worried about as much as people who do exist. Let’s all try to live by the new Mission Statement that was adopted at last February’s Fictitious People of America’s National Convention...

Fictitious People May Not Exist but They Deserve the Same Respect Real People Do Because Fictitious People Are People Too

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Now we have Snow Leopards to worry about. News headline I actually saw on the Internet... Unvaccinated snow leopard at San Diego Zoo catches COVID-19 I feel Silly because I did not even know we were Vaccinating Snow Leopards. (They must be people too.)