Jermaine Jackson has changed his name from Jackson to Jacksun. Since he is a celebrity, I know you think he had a good and logical motivation for deciding to tell the world he forgot how to spell.
According to his attorney, this is his good and logical motivation...
“Artistic Reasons”
This is probably Modern Art. I never did understand Modern Art.
His attorney went on to say, "If Prince and P. Diddy can do it why can't and shouldn't Jermaine?"
Since the attorney brought up Prince and P. Diddy, I will now demonstrate the “Artistic Thinking” of these two Clear Thinking and Inspirational American Celebrities.
Prince has Artistically Tinkered with his name as follows...
Ø Jamie Starr
Ø Christopher
Ø Alexander Nevermind
Ø Joey Coco
Ø (This research has been very educational for me. I learned
is The Love Symbol.)
Ø The Artist Formerly Known As Prince
Ø The Artist
Prince also ventured into “inspiring” us about religion...
In June 2011, Prince was quoted in The Guardian as saying "It's fun being in Islamic countries, to know there's only one religion. There's order. You wear a burqa. There's no choice. People are happy with that."
Now, that I have completely confused you, I will move on to P. Diddy. This ought to really get your head spinning.
Rapper Sean Combs (the name his inartistic parents gave him) started in the game as Puff Daddy before becoming known as...
Ø Puffy
Ø Puff
Ø P. Diddy
Ø Diddy
Ø King Combs
Ø Sean John
Ø For one week, he wanted to be known as Swag.
For those who have been hiding under a hip-hop culture rock for the past few years, "swag" is short for "swagger" and according to the Urban Dictionary is defined as, "How one presents him or herself to the world."
Temporary Swag announced the change via his official Twitter Account and even set up a New Twitter Account to reflect his temporaryness.
"I decided that I’m gonna change my name for a week in honor of my comeback," he said on a video he released. "I’ve gone as Puff, Puffy, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Diddy, King Combs – my real name is Sean Combs – and for a week, this week only, you can call me by my new name, Swag.”
After reading about Prince & P. Diddy you might think they are Silly. If you do not think they are Silly, then you are the one being Foolish this time around.
Would I kid u?