If Our Founding Fathers Had Wanted This Country To Have Freedom Of Speech, They Would Have Put It Into The Constitution!
On November 29, 2022 an opinion piece was published by attorney Robin Keller in which she described how she lost her job at a large law firm after daring to speak up in favor of the Dobbs Decision which had recently overturned Roe vs. Wade.
She got in all this hot water for expressing her opinion on a conference call explicitly called to allow staffers to discuss the Supreme Court’s Decision...
Ø The conference call was billed as a “safe space” for women at the firm to discuss the Dobbs Decision.
Ø Everyone else who spoke on the call was unanimous in her anger and outrage about the Dobbs Decision.
Ø Keller was the only one who spoke up to offer a different view.
Ø She noted that many jurists and commentators believed Roe had been wrongly decided.
Ø She said that the court was right to remand the issue to the states.
Ø She added that she thought abortion-rights advocates had brought much of the pushback against Roe on themselves by pushing for extreme policies.
Ø She referred to numerous reports of disproportionately high rates of abortion in the black community, which some have called a form of genocide.
Ø She said she thought this was tragic.
The other conference call participant’s outrage was immediate...
Ø The next speaker called her a racist and demanded that she leave the conference call.
Ø Other participants said they “lost their ability to breathe” on hearing her comments.
After more of the same, she hung up.
Someone made a formal complaint to her Law Firm...
Ø Later that day, the Law Firm suspended her contracts.
Ø Then her contact with clients was cut off.
Ø She was removed from the email and document systems.
Ø All U.S. personnel were emailed saying that a forum participant had made “anti-Black comments”.
Ø She was suspended pending an investigation.
Ø The firm also released a statement to the legal website Above the Law bemoaning the devastating impact her views had had on participants in the forum (most of whom were lawyers participating in a call convened expressly for the purpose of discussing a controversial legal and political topic).
Ø Someone leaked her name to the press.
She filed her own complaint with her firm’s general counsel’s office alleging that the firm and those who had attacked her on the call had violated the company’s anti-harassment policy by publicly labeling her a racist.
Her firm hired another firm to conduct an outside investigation...
Ø Three weeks later she received a letter stating that the firm had concluded that her reference to comments labeling black abortion rates genocide was a violation of the firm’s anti-harassment policy.
Ø No mention was made about the fact that this view has been expressed by numerous mainstream black and white commentators.
Ø Her complaint to her firm’s general counsel’s office was dismissed.
Ø Her contracts with the firm were terminated.
Ø After a 44-year unblemished career, she was not only fired but blackballed by other firms wary of courting controversy.
Keller said she wasn’t surprised by the response of some of the people on the call but she was surprised how quickly the firm itself kowtowed to a woke faction inside its workforce.
Her firm thought her views were “problematic” and therefore she deserved to be out of work.
Are you thinking to yourself, what’s going on here? Fella is here to tell you what’s going here...
We are entering a period in our Former Free Speech Country where this kind of Foolishness, with a capital “F”, is becoming the Unwritten Law of the Land. Here is our future...
Ø A meeting is announced extending invitations to a Fact-Finding Conclave to discuss The Future of the Widget.
Ø The invitation says, “We need your input about this very important subject. Please be candid because a lot depends on the decisions reached at this Fact-Finding Conclave”.
Ø Before the meeting the invited attendees will be told which Opinions they should bring to the Fact-Finding Conclave. It will be explained that these Opinions are to be embraced in the Fact Finding Conclave as their own Opinions because these Opinions are aligned with the Opinions of those who had called the Fact-Finding Conclave into session.
Ø The final message to the invitees is quoted here, “If for a moment those of us who have called this Fact-Finding Conclave into session did not think that your Opinion was not our Opinion we would never have invited you to our Fact-Finding Conclave to express our Opinion”.
Fella Advice: If you are included in any of these Fact-Finding Conclaves and you have an Opinion that is in contradiction to the Opinion the Fact-Finding Conclave was convened to affirm, Fella recommends you should keep that Opinion to yourself until everyone else has left the Fact-Finding Conclave Conference Room. Then you will be free to speak out Your Own Stupid Opinion to the empty Fact-Finding Conclave Conference Room.
If you do not heed Fella’s advice and you speak out before the Fact-Finding Conclave Conference Room has been emptied out, then the Opinion Affirmation Seekers will hear you say Your Own Stupid Opinion.
Saying Your Own Stupid Opinion where it can be heard by others may get you labeled a Stupid Stuff Sayer and you will be putting your career, your financial well being, your marriage, your children’s college education (this might be a plus) and the finances necessary to be able to afford trips to isolated beaches where you can feel free to express yourself out loud and no one can hear you say Stupid Stuff.
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: If you
think I made this source article up, here is the link to the article so you can
Read All About It ... https://www.wsj.com/articles/no-dissent-allowed-at-hogan-lovells-abortion-dobbs-roe-v-wade-meeting-safe-space-forum-genocide-lawyers-outrage-11669753147?st=vkmfw2vn0x0djcy