Thursday, September 30, 2021

They Think We Are Stupid

On my trip to and from Wyoming I like to think that the people in one of the many gas stations I filled up at thought the person who filled up before me and after me was stupid...

While I was coming back from Wyoming a friend of mine was heading out to where I was coming from and he ran across this sign which must mean that there were people out there that thought my friend was stupid...

I always like to give 3 examples of what I am giving examples about. For awhile I was stuck and then I remembered this picture I took at the swimming pool next to where I attempt to play tennis. Since I’m not stupid I have come to the not stupid conclusion that there once was a Wadding Pool where this concrete is now...

Notice that, when the pool was still there, the depth was Only 3 Feet. The people who built the pool must have thought that the people who used the pool were stupid so they warned them... Hey, Stupid People, No Diving. 

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Ben Franklin said, “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid”. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Being Smart Can Be Confusing


Those radio talk shows where those really sharp money people give advice about finances do a real public service. They logically explain heavy financial planning so that light-weight every day money handlers can understand their money. They do it so logically and simply that even an Idiot can understand their message.

I may be a Smart Fella but I can still become confused. A Smart Money Advice Manager confused me with this bit of Financial Information...

Too many parents have been burned because they have signed on as Co-Signers to their children’s loans and when their children defaulted the parents have found themselves responsible for the loan. As a result more and more parents have been refusing to Co-Sign loans.

The Finance Industry has been getting the parents back on board by setting them up, not as Co-Signers but making them Only Responsible for the Payments.

Now there is a difference without a difference if I have ever seen one. Maybe I am still smart after all because I don’t see the difference.

Would I kid u?

Smartfella Still

Lagniappe: 50 years ago I was a Zone Manager for Ford Motor Company and I traveled by car to the car dealers in my zone 5 days a week. Some of the dealers used to call some of us Zone Managers, “Empty Suits”. I’m sure my dealers did not call me that...Or am I? One Friday I was almost back from my week’s travels and a local Radio Personality was talking his head through my car radio and he said...“On my show I have contests each day that even an Idiot can win. So, all you Idiots be sure to tune in every day”. I’m sure he wasn’t talking directly to me...Or am I?

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Immune System Is In Vogue


I am The Noticer and you are not but have you noticed that the easiest way to sell darn near anything in the Good Ole USofA today is to claim that whatever you are selling is Good for Our Immune Systems?

Ø Vitamins that we have known and taken for years which used to claim to be good for something or other inside our bodies now claim to be especially beneficial to our Immune Systems.

Ø Foods we once ate because they tasted good now purport to Benefit Our Immune Systems.

Ø I heard a Talking Head at the end of his news report tell me that Sunshine contributes to a Robust Immune System. He finished up with, “Oh yea, it is also gives you Vitamin D and Skin Cancer”.

If our Congress were not so busy doing Silly Crazy Stuff, I would write them a letter and draw this to their Divided Attention but, I am also an expert on Wasting Time, and I know that would be a Big Waste of Time.


Here Comes the Serious Foolishness Part of this Blog Posting

I do think that these claims are getting out of hand...

Ø Automobile Manufacturers are pitching to us, “If we ever get enough Semiconductor Chips to start making cars again, be sure to come into one of our cobwebbed covered dealerships and buy a car or two. An independent test by independent testers has shown that each mile you drive in one of our cars boosts your immune System 3 times more than any of our competitor’s cars will boost your Immune System”.

Ø This one bugs me...“Our bug killer does not work that well when it comes to killing bugs but inhaling the bug spray while you are spraying it in the direction of those bugs smiling back at you will Boost Your Immune System”. (Bet you did not know that bugs can smile.)

Ø Pandemic Obsessed Fearful of Everything People had stopped going down to the Bottom of the Grand Canyon. The National Park Service reversed this trend by claiming that the air you breathe at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is “Perfected” by Mother Nature. This perfection comes about because of a combination of River Water Evaporation, Pine Tree Excretions, Bear Poo Odor and Hiker Sweat. This natural process turns the air down there into an excellent way to boost even the most Anemic of Anemic Immune Systems.

LexisNexis reports that “Immune System” has forged ahead of “Transparency” in usage by those of us who once lived happily in the Good Ole USofA but who are now too uneasy about everything going on around us to be as happy as they once were.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: If you search the Internet with a phrase like “products that deliver immunity”, you can then spend the rest of the day Reading All About Them.

Here is how some of the manufacturers described their products...

Ø Vitamin C Daily Immune Support, Pink Lemonade

Ø Absolute Nutrition, Immunity, Zinc with Vitamin C & Vitamin B

Ø Advanced Immune Defense, 6-in-1 Powerful Blend of Vitamin C

Ø D3, Zinc, Elderberries, Garlic Bulb, Echinacea - Supports Overall Health, Provides Vital Nutrients & Antioxidants

Ø More Vitamin C than 10 Oranges with Other Key Antioxidants

Ø Enhanced Immune Support Formula

Ø Delivers Vitamin D, Antioxidants and a Proprietary Complex with Wellmune, Betaglucans and Arabinogalactans

Ø Daily Immune Support and Botanicals

Ø Immunity Power + Vitamin C

Ø Immunity with Elderberry, Zinc, & Vitamin C – Supports Respiratory Health & Immune Defense

Ø Immunity System Booster Supplement USDA Organic Immune Support with Vitamin C, Oregano, Moringa, Plus Potent 4:1 Extracts: Elderberry, Astragalus & Ginger

They must be selling well because a whole bunch of the products are listed as, “Out Of Stock”.

If you were to take about 10 of these products and drank them in a kind of Immunity Cocktail, after you died your attending physician would have to remove your heart, put it on the floor and beat it to death with a stick.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Prego Used to Advertise All the Good Things In Their Spaghetti Sauce by Saying, “It’s In There”.


Chicken Sandwiches are all the rage today but not all of What's In There is good for us.

Much of what is in these sandwiches need not be inside your body, at least not in these quantities. I just got back from a week at a Dude Ranch in Wyoming and I now know a thing or two about horses. These Chicken Sandwiches are big enough to choke a horse. They are definitely big enough to Choke an Artery.

I have a personal favorite Fried Chicken Fast Food Chain. I have not eaten a single piece of my favorite chicken since last year because I am on a diet. My favorite chain’s Big Chicken Sandwich is one of the biggest.

I am not going to tell you which chain it is because I don’t want them to go out of business. My plan is, when my doctor tells me I have a week to live, I am going to spend that week in one of their outlets Pigging Out (or is that Chickening Out?).

Be careful, just reading these quantities can cause you to gain 2 pounds...

Ø 700 Calories (Wow! My diet allows me only 1,500 calories a day.)

Ø 42 Grams of Fat (Wow!)

Ø 14 Grams of Saturated Fat (Wow!)

Ø 1.5 Grams of Trans Fat (Wow!)

Ø 1,443 Milligrams of Sodium (Wow!) (It could be worse. One of the competing Chicken Sandwiches has 2,140 Milligrams.)

Ø 28 Grams of Protein (This is the good part.)

If any of you are lucky enough to be given a week to live at the same time as I am given a week to live, let’s hook up. I can guarantee you we will have a week to remember the rest of our lives!

Would I kid u?


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Let’s Think Before We Spend Trillions of Dollars

In preparing for this Blog Posting I became as confused as you are about just how much our Congress is intending to spend. Every time I turn around there is a new shocking number to be shocked about.

I even stopped turning around but the Gargantuan Money Estimates kept coming my way. I’m having a hard time believing what I am hearing.

Members of our Congress are talking about spending $3.5 to $5 Trillion. Some are talking about spending more than $5 Trillion. The other night I heard $7 to $8 Trillion come out of my TV.

I know that Congress does not understand what a Trillion is. The worst part is it is Football Season and the American Public is Football Distracted until after the Super Bowl. Then they will be into Basketball’s March Madness and the NBA Playoffs. Then, before you know it, it’s Football Season.

My Dear Readers, the wheels may be about to come off the wagon.


In this Blog Posting I’ll use $5 Trillion.  I can just hear Members of Congress, after reading this Blog Posting, standing up in their respective chambers and saying, “By golly 5 ain’t much. It’s not even 6. Why it’s hardly more than 4”.


How Big Is A Trillion?

The Congressmen who stand up to propose to spend “only” 5 Trillion Dollars ought to be required to say...

I propose to spend 5 Thousand Billion Dollars!

Did that confuse you? Would this help?...

I propose to spend 5 Billion Thousands of Dollars!

How many times have we heard Members of Congress say something like this when they were asked, “What do you want to spend this money on?”...

I am proud to say I propose to research of the age old question, “If a frog’s front legs were big like their hind legs, would they then be able to jump in both directions?”


I just found out that the most famous quote of the Late Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois was never said by him. He did come close many times because he understood Billions. The famous Dirksen quote that he never said was...

 "A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money"

If he were alive today he would be turning over in his grave at the way the word “Trillion” is in vogue in the halls of our Congress.

Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: Fella’s Easy to Understand Guide for Members of Congress. Now they are sure to understand ...Or are they?

Trillion...5,000,000,000,000 = 5 thousand billions of dollars

Billion...5,000,000,000 = 5 thousand millions of dollars

Million...5,000,000 = 5 thousand thousands of dollars

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The April 8, 1966 Time Magazine Cover Asked, “Is God Dead?” and God Has Been Fighting a Losing Battle Ever Since That Question Was Published

If God has survived up until now, the new President of Harvard’s Chaplains is very likely going to attempt to drive the last nail into God’s Coffin during his tenure in office.

First of all we need to try and remember what the word “Chaplain” means...Or is that Used to Mean?

According to Merriam Webster Chaplain means... “a person chosen to conduct religious exercises”.

This leads Fella to put his tongue in his cheek and ask, Is a Chaplain who conducts Non-Religious Exercises actually conducting Religious Exercises when he conducts Non-Religious Exercises because the word “Religious” is contained in Non-Religious? (That makes as much sense as lots of other things that are happening in our world today).

The New Yorker Magazine

September 20, 2021 Issue

Harvard’s Atheist-Chaplain Controversy

The selection of Greg Epstein, a humanist rabbi, as the president of Harvard’s chaplains led to a small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders. Will it inspire a come-to-Jesus moment of the secular variety?

By Nick Paumgarten

At the end of August, the Times ran a story about a Harvard chaplain named Greg Epstein, an avowed atheist and “humanist rabbi,” who had been selected by his fellow-chaplains at the university (there are more than thirty of them, of diverse faiths) to serve as their president. Here was an ivory-tower man-bites-dog tale that elicited some context about the ascendancy of secularism, both at a particular institution (one founded, almost four centuries ago, essentially as a seminary) and in the culture at large. “We don’t look to a god for answers,” Epstein told the paper. “We are each other’s answers.”

In response to this relatively mild provocation, readers aligned themselves according to their own cosmologies. In the comments online, nonbelievers, generally, expressed versions of “Right on!,” while believers tended toward “How could they?” For the former, it was good to encounter an affirmation that a godless earthling could pursue spiritual and pastoral paths. To the latter, it seemed absurd to apply the word “chaplain” to a nonreligious, chapel-less counsellor, and to elevate such a figure to a position of authority over people of faith; would the College of Cardinals elect a nihilist Pope?

I did the underlining of...

Ø led to a small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders

Ø who had been selected by his fellow-chaplains

Does this confuse you as much as it confuses me?...

There is an small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders who had elected him?

I can’t help but think...

Ø If they are upset about his election why did they elect him?

Ø Maybe that’s why their small uproar is small uproar and not a large uproar.


Are you ready for the Foolishness...Or Is It?

What’s next?

Ø In his Coronation Speech the new Commissioner of Baseball said he hates Baseball and he vowed to work as hard as he could to wipe Baseball from the face of the earth.

Ø The new Chairman of the Board at Weight Watchers weighs 485 Pounds and during his first address to the membership he attacked skinny people worldwide while he ate 6 Chocolate Banana Coconut Cream Pies in order to Set The Tone for his Course-Changing Administration.

Ø In his Appointment Acceptance Speech the new United States Secretary of Defense apologized to Hitler for all the bullets American Forces sent in the general direction of the German Army during WW2. He stated that he has done research on the Internet and discovered that Hitler told his minions, on more than one occasion, that he did not appreciate the way the Allied Forces were defending themselves. Armed with this new information he pledged to send U.S Armed Forces into the next World War Unarmed.

I do not apologize for getting carried away with this Blog Posting. I think “they” (whomever they are) got carried away before I got carried away.

Would I kid u?


I’m not sure why I put this picture here. It must have been the word, “Aaugh!”.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

You Are Evil If You Are Successful...Or are u?


I notice things but you already know that. Here is something that I noticed while reading through the Internet and it made me think, “Aghhhh!!”

I was reading an article about the Pandemic and this jumped out at me...

Ø The article was making the point that some people became wealthier during that Pandemic.

Ø Take my word for it these Wealthier People were painted as Evil.

Ø How dare them become Wealthier while others were suffering!

While I was trying to understand why Successful meant Evil, my noticing gaze fell upon this “Proof” of Evil the article gave me...

Tesla CEO Elon Musk became 600% richer during the Pandemic!

I will now use my famous Bullet Point Format to throw myself into the Stupid Heap with the Stupid’s...

Ø How dare Elon Musk become rich while we are not becoming rich!

Ø How dare Elon Musk climb up the ladder of money while we are not climbing!

Ø The only way Elon Musk and his Ilk (I love the word “Ilk”) could have done this is to take money and food and stuff from the rest of us!

OK, I’m done being Stupid. Let’s see what Elon Musk did to become such an Evil Terrible Person.

This comes from the Internet...

How does one person balance diverse interests and manage successful endeavors in Space Technology, Sustainable Energy and the Internet? From his early days teaching himself to program computers, Elon Musk has worked to improve the quality of life for everyone through technology.

From the idea of "aggregating all of your financial services seamlessly" to multiplanetary existence for the human species, Elon Musk is driven by ideas that propose to fundamentally change the way we live. Building on the financial success of his Internet ventures, the entrepreneur-inventor has gone on to take risk, reward and unconventional thinking to new levels entirely.

A serial entrepreneur who bought his first computer at the age of 10 and sold his first commercial software at the age of 12, Elon Musk decided to get into “three important areas” after obtaining an undergraduate degree in economics: the Internet, Space, and Clean Energy. As a cofounder of (later PayPal), SpaceX and Tesla Motors, he has created organizations focused on commercializing innovations in all three.

To me (The Noticer) a Jump-Out-At-You Phrase above was, “has gone on to take risk”. I wonder if the “genius” who wrote the words that got me started on this Blog Posting (Tesla CEO Elon Musk became 600% richer during the Pandemic) has taken any risks of note lately or is he busy working on his array of Snacks, Cheese Dips, Humus and Beer for the Big Football Weekend coming up in 2 days?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: SpaceX does not shy away from the impossible? SpaceX made it possible for their rockets to come back from flight and land on Earth and be used again, instead of falling into the ocean never to be seen again. Is that Evil or Genius?

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Do You Use Their Gasoline Because Of What’s In Their Gasoline?


If you make it a point to use Shell Gasoline and, if I asked you why you make it a point to use Shell Gasoline, and you responded, “Because Shell Gasoline has V-Power”, I would wonder if you were smart enough to have a Driver’s License.

I noticed during the 4,391 mile road trip I just completed that I would actually have to spend $.70 extra to get V-Power because it only comes in Shell’s Premium Gasoline. All these years I thought the "benefits" of V-Power (whatever they are) were in all grades of Shell Gasoline!

What are the benefits of V-Power? Shell has never have told me. Have they told you? If they told you, why did you not tell me?

But Wait! ... Wait! (As they say on those “As Seen on TV” commercials) you get more than just V-Power with Shell Premium Gasoline, you also get...

Ø Nitro+ (what is that?).

Ø Plus you get 12X Protection (what is that?).

Would we be lining up to buy Shell Gasoline if they said their Gasoline contained Snake Oil or Dirt from Apple Orchards in New Guinea or Oatmeal?

Very likely, as long as it contains something, we would pull in and Fill ‘Er Up! (I never said we were not all collectively Silly).

The “X” in 12X Protection probably means 12 Times Protection but Protection from what? I’m not saying the last sentence of this Blog Posting is true because I am just playing Goofy...Or am I?

Could it possibly be it is 12 Times Protection from the engine destroying effects of V-Power and/or Nitro+?

Would I kid u?


Thursday, September 02, 2021

I Would Like To Be Of Help to You but I Can’t Explain Things I Don’t Understand

I apologize for all the ads that now appear throughout my Blog Postings. It was not always that way. Google BlogSpot does this. I have no control over these ad insertions. I know it makes my Interesting Commentary harder to read. Stick with it because it is worth the effort...Or is it?


 When the Supreme Court handed down its now-infamous Roe v. Wade decision, it did so based on a new, previously undefined "right of privacy" which it "discovered" in so-called "emanations" of "penumbrae" of the Constitution.

I will now proceed to let you figure out the above 35 Words because I can’t be of any help to you but I know you can handle it...Or can you?

Would I kid u?
