Sunday, September 19, 2021

The April 8, 1966 Time Magazine Cover Asked, “Is God Dead?” and God Has Been Fighting a Losing Battle Ever Since That Question Was Published

If God has survived up until now, the new President of Harvard’s Chaplains is very likely going to attempt to drive the last nail into God’s Coffin during his tenure in office.

First of all we need to try and remember what the word “Chaplain” means...Or is that Used to Mean?

According to Merriam Webster Chaplain means... “a person chosen to conduct religious exercises”.

This leads Fella to put his tongue in his cheek and ask, Is a Chaplain who conducts Non-Religious Exercises actually conducting Religious Exercises when he conducts Non-Religious Exercises because the word “Religious” is contained in Non-Religious? (That makes as much sense as lots of other things that are happening in our world today).

The New Yorker Magazine

September 20, 2021 Issue

Harvard’s Atheist-Chaplain Controversy

The selection of Greg Epstein, a humanist rabbi, as the president of Harvard’s chaplains led to a small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders. Will it inspire a come-to-Jesus moment of the secular variety?

By Nick Paumgarten

At the end of August, the Times ran a story about a Harvard chaplain named Greg Epstein, an avowed atheist and “humanist rabbi,” who had been selected by his fellow-chaplains at the university (there are more than thirty of them, of diverse faiths) to serve as their president. Here was an ivory-tower man-bites-dog tale that elicited some context about the ascendancy of secularism, both at a particular institution (one founded, almost four centuries ago, essentially as a seminary) and in the culture at large. “We don’t look to a god for answers,” Epstein told the paper. “We are each other’s answers.”

In response to this relatively mild provocation, readers aligned themselves according to their own cosmologies. In the comments online, nonbelievers, generally, expressed versions of “Right on!,” while believers tended toward “How could they?” For the former, it was good to encounter an affirmation that a godless earthling could pursue spiritual and pastoral paths. To the latter, it seemed absurd to apply the word “chaplain” to a nonreligious, chapel-less counsellor, and to elevate such a figure to a position of authority over people of faith; would the College of Cardinals elect a nihilist Pope?

I did the underlining of...

Ø led to a small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders

Ø who had been selected by his fellow-chaplains

Does this confuse you as much as it confuses me?...

There is an small uproar among the school’s other religious leaders who had elected him?

I can’t help but think...

Ø If they are upset about his election why did they elect him?

Ø Maybe that’s why their small uproar is small uproar and not a large uproar.


Are you ready for the Foolishness...Or Is It?

What’s next?

Ø In his Coronation Speech the new Commissioner of Baseball said he hates Baseball and he vowed to work as hard as he could to wipe Baseball from the face of the earth.

Ø The new Chairman of the Board at Weight Watchers weighs 485 Pounds and during his first address to the membership he attacked skinny people worldwide while he ate 6 Chocolate Banana Coconut Cream Pies in order to Set The Tone for his Course-Changing Administration.

Ø In his Appointment Acceptance Speech the new United States Secretary of Defense apologized to Hitler for all the bullets American Forces sent in the general direction of the German Army during WW2. He stated that he has done research on the Internet and discovered that Hitler told his minions, on more than one occasion, that he did not appreciate the way the Allied Forces were defending themselves. Armed with this new information he pledged to send U.S Armed Forces into the next World War Unarmed.

I do not apologize for getting carried away with this Blog Posting. I think “they” (whomever they are) got carried away before I got carried away.

Would I kid u?


I’m not sure why I put this picture here. It must have been the word, “Aaugh!”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really good blog Fella! You are keeping me up on actual important news.