Thursday, March 27, 2014

World Turned Upside Down ... Again

It is a fact of history that, as the surrendering British Troops matched out of Yorktown, their band played a tune entitled, The World Turned Upside Down.

In the times in which we live it appears to be happening again ... over and over. One of the agains involved a Mother in North Carolina who was concerned that the meals provided at her child’s school were starchy, sugary and full of empty calories (sugary cereal, Pop Tarts, pizza, etc.).

She packed a more healthy lunch for her child (carrot sticks, tuna, fresh fruit or other nutritious fare) but the packed lunch was sent home with a note. The note said that school-supplied meals ensured children got nutritious meals and meals from home were not allowed.

I hope you could feel the world turning a bit Upside Down as you read this blog posting.

Where’s that British Band when you need it?


Would I kid u?

