There appears to be an Association for darn near everything under the sun. We are all familiar with the likes of...
- American Cancer Society
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- National Geographic Society
There are many other associations that make the Smartfella say to himself, “Self, is this really necessary?”...
- American Restroom Association (I wonder if the hold their annual convention in the restrooms of major hotels in Las Vegas?).
- The Association for the Gifted (Does not sound Politically Correct to me).
- Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind (Is this so the blind can get guide dogs or is this association run by the guide dogs?).
- Girls Incorporated (Precursor to National Organization for Women?).
- National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (Must have their annual convention in the back of very small hotels).
- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (Robots are people too!).
- Overeaters Anonymous (Here is one that certainly must be expanding in Super Size Everything America ... Pun intended) These people might think they are anonymous but we can tell who they are without their Convention Name Badges.
Think I made these associations up? When will you begin to trust me? ...
There is one Association that is much needed but does not seem to be on any list. There really ought to be an Association of Smartfellas.
Oh, silly me! There already is such an organization and I actually mentioned it above... The Association for the Gifted.
Would I kid u?