My Dear Readers, this Blog Posting is not an attempt to make Milton Hershey look deceptive. It’s just a Fella Way to bring to you an Interesting Morsel of Chocolate History.
Having written the second paragraph above, I am admitting that the first paragraph above was completely made up by Fella. The next paragraph is completely true but it ties in quite nicely with the untrue first paragraph, don’t ya think?
The Interesting Morsel of Chocolate History...
The first
Hershey’s chocolate bars with almonds were produced in 1908 because they were
cheap to make. The nuts took the place of some of the more expensive milk
chocolate, which meant Hershey’s could keep the price of the candy at a nickel.
Ain’t that a hoot!
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: The Second Bunch of Bolded Text above came from Mental Floss... https://www.mentalfloss.com/amazingfactgenerator/553536/first-hersheys-chocolate-bars-almonds-were-produced-1908-because-they-were-cheap-make