Monday, August 29, 2022

I Did Not Write These Words...But I Wish I Had


I believe in American exceptionalism.  I can’t understand why any clear-thinking citizen of this great country could possibly disagree with any of what was written below by Mr. Anonymous...

Ø America pioneered Representative Government guided by a Written Constitution.

Ø We fought a war with 620,000 dead to End Slavery.

Ø We defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Ø We liberated the Death Camps.

Ø Twice We saved Europe from Tyranny in the 20th Century.

Ø After World War 2 with American Investment, Innovation, Resourcefulness and Generosity, we Rebuilt the Economies of 17 Nations of Europe and the Nation of Japan.

Ø Our arms Kept Communism from Conquering the World.

Ø Our factories and workshops produced a flood of Inventions and Products that Benefited Humanity.

Ø We built the Greatest Most Respected Medical System on Earth.

Ø We earned Ten Times More Nobel Prizes in Medicine than Any Other Nation on Earth!  

What country has done as much - especially in only 246 years, a relative hiccup in time?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Did I hear someone say, “Yea, but...”?