Friday, June 02, 2023

USDA Is On the Verge of Banning Chocolate Milk In Our Schools

If you want to read the entire May 17, 2023 article, click below...


If chocolate milk were banned in my schools, I would have been deprived of milk’s 13 essential nutrients because, as a child (and as an adult), I would not (and do not) drink White Milk!

In today’s schools, children are about to be Deprived of Milk BUT they can have their Puberty Blocked...WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS BEING TOLD!


School Nurse Suspended... 

In case you do not read the full article below here is a Fella Bottom Line...A School Nurse was suspended, not for putting a child on Puberty Blockers, but for revealing that the School Administration Had Put A Child On Puberty Blockers.

Her suspension was for letting everyone (“everyone” including the child’s parents) know about the Puberty Block.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: You might have noticed that the article about the Nurse's Suspension was dated April 1, 2022 (Might it have been an April Fool's Joke on All of Us?). I tried to find an update on what happened to the Offending Nurse (Kathleen Cataford) but I did not find anything. If any of My Dear Readers finds an update, put it into Comments or send me an email about what you found (