I keep coming up with these ways to become rich beyond belief. All I require is an Insane Stinking Rich Person and an Insane Idea that will appeal to his Insanity.
I came up with this Insane Idea a few weeks back and it has taken me to now to come up with the Insane Stinking Rich Person to make it a reality. I have him committed now and, since he is crazy, he is chomping at the bit to give me an insane amount of his money.
This is the best one yet!
My Crazy Guy Has Agreed To Give Me…
Ø A Nickel for every time I see a North Korean clap on TV. You don’t get it? Watch the news tonight. When the Federal Government Required North Korean Nightly News Clip comes on showing their Daily Gigantic Meeting, see if you can count the claps. (Trust me, you will not be able to count the claps.)
Ø A dime for every time one of those North Korean Clappers Claps as he is jumping up and down in complete admiration for his Little Fat Leader Guy.
Ø Another nickel for every Medal for Heroism pinned on the Chest of those Hundreds of Generals who have never been in Harm’s Way that always surround the Little Fat Leader Guy.
Ø Another dime for every Medal for Heroism pinned on the Pant Leg or Shirt Sleeve of those Hundreds of Generals who have never been in Harm’s Way that always surround the Little Fat Leader Guy.
Don’t believe me about the Pant Legs and Sleeves? See below…
Would I kid u?