Monday, July 22, 2024

Environmental Fatigue

I don’t want you to think that Fella is uncaring about the things I am destroying every day but I can only worry about so many things at one time.

  • My car spews things that should not be spewed. If I really cared, I would walk. Yosemite is not that far. The walk would do me good...Or

 would it?  

  • Among the things I am known to put into my grocery basket are: Water in Plastic Bottles, Sausage wrapped in Plastic on a Plastic tray, Plastic Wrap so I can wrap other things in Plastic, etc. Then I go to check out and I am told that Plastic Bags have been discontinued because they are bad for the environment, so I have to take Paper Bags instead. I find myself in a quandary thinking, “Where does that material to make Paper Bags come from? I’m going to Google that question as soon as I get home”

Ø My father was a grocer in an age where Corner Grocery Stores were all over our corners. We used to sell Soft Drinks in Glass Bottles. The Glass Bottles were returned for the 2 Cent Deposit or traded in on New Glass Bottles full of Undrunk Soft Drink. Now we get Soft Drinks in Plastic Bottles (which we throw away) or in Glass Bottles (which we throw away).


Today is my Birthday! My daughter gave me a very nice Birthday Card. I never should have turned it over. Waiting there for me was Another Environmental Quandary.

It was an Environment Comfort Message that only confused me much more than it comforted me...

this card is produced entirely in england using low chlorine pulp from sustainable forest and printed with finishes which naturally disperse or biodegrade when this card is composted or recycled

Notice how they saved ink by not capitalizing anything and not using a period.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Then they put it in a jet plane and spewed it to me across the Atlantic Ocean from England.