Sunday, February 23, 2020

The News You Won’t See On The News

Recently a parishioner in a church stood up with a shotgun and started killing other parishioners. Within 6 seconds of the Killer Parishioner starting to kill other parishioners a Good Guy with a Gun Parishioner stood up and killed the Killer Parishioner. That’s very fast action on the part of the Good Guy with a Gun Parishioner but not fast enough to save 2 parishioners who the Killer Parishioner had already killed.

After this had happened a Presidential Candidate said that the Good Guy with a Gun Parishioner who killed the Killer Parishioner before he could kill more parishioners should not have been allowed to have a gun in his possession in such a crowded place.

The Presidential Candidate explained that the police should have been called and hopefully they would have gotten to the church in time to stop the Killer Parishioner before he could kill more parishioners.

(It is important to note that the Killer Parishioner had 7 more rounds in his shotgun and 3 more rounds in his pocket at the time that the Good Guy with a Gun Parishioner made him dead. Also we should not forget that in November 2017 a gunman killed 26 people at a Texas Baptist church.)

The Presidential Candidate said this…

“Somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it is the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

When Fella heard what the Presidential Candidate had said Fella said this…

 “Everyone is entitled to his own stupid opinion”.
This whole church shooting incident, of course, made the National News. As part of this Blog Posting I am including 3 pages from American Rifleman Magazine. Pages such as these do not make the National News

No matter what a Presidential Candidate says there are those who are paid to cover for them. In this case the Presidential Candidate’s Campaign Manager stepped up to do what he is paid to do. I wonder if, before he said this, he thought to himself, “Am I really going to say this?” and after he said this did he think to himself, “Did I really say that?”

The Presidential Candidate’s Campaign Manager then dug his hole deeper by saying in an appearance on TV: “My Candidate supports his right to carry a gun. We salute him. But the question is should anyone who is criminally insane be able to get a gun? I would say no”.

Fella thinks to himself, Mr. Campaign Manager, the Good Guy with a Gun Parishioner who killed the Killer Parishioner while he was in the act of killing other parishioners thanks you for your “salute” but who said anything about the Criminally Insane? Certainly, your Presidential Candidate didn’t”.

Would I kid u?