Thursday, February 03, 2022

I Was So Frustrated I Lashed Out


We Just Bought a New Whirlpool Clothes Washer...

I had reason to contact Whirlpool about Product Registration. I called them. I could not get them to answer their Your Call Is Important To Us phone. I spent hours trying to make contact.

Here’s how I got into this predicament...

I went online to register my washer. After I completed the registration, I got a message with a Click Box in it. The Click Box said, “Please Wait”. I waited 1.5 hours and the “Please Wait” box never went away.

Since I was not sure if my registration was really activated, I decided to let them have a piece of my mind (since I am so important to them). At my age I am very careful about giving away even small pieces of my mind but I was in a frenzy or a tizzy or some such thing. I stumbled across their You Are Important To Us Contact Form and I filled it out and sent it to them.

My Comments: ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get through to Whirlpool! Held online for 57 Minutes and 29 Seconds! I have a simple question but I can't get through all your harassment hoops! If anyone cares, call me at xxx xxx xxxx. (I don't expect I will ever hear from you!) What am I supposed to do if I ever really need help like a malfunctioning clothes washer!?


Low and behold Whirlpool’s Correspondence Team sent me an email response! I was elated. I thought to myself, This Is Great!...Or was it?

The Key Sentence in Their Email...

You have reached the correspondence team and we are unable to call you

I have been known to be Picky but I don’t think I am being Too Picky by reacting to this sentence in their email...

Ø Who made contact with me?
>Whirlpool’s Correspondence Team.

Ø What is the main function of a Correspondence Team?
>It is to Correspond, is it not?

Ø What does the Correspondence Team tell me in this sentence?
>It tells me that they cannot Correspond with me because they can’t call me.

Ø Why can’t they call me?
>Is not calling me a form of Correspondence?

Ø Maybe they do not have telephones?
>Maybe I held on the phone for 57 Minutes and 29 Seconds because they did not have a phone to pick up and talk to me on.

Ø Maybe they have phones but do not have my phone number.
>That’s not true because I gave them my phone number in my frustrated message to them (and it was not a bunch of X’s).

The only answer must be they never read my message. They (or their computer) must have automatically sent me a This Oughta Confuse the Heck Out Of Him automatic response.


Crazy People

Maybe they did not pick up the phone they do not have because they knew I had held on for 57 Minutes and 29 Seconds and anyone who would hold on for 57 Minutes and 29 Seconds must be crazy and their Company Policy is not to talk to Crazy People.

I think I should mention that during my 57 Minutes and 29 Seconds hold time I was listening to music as bad as the Social Security Administration persecutes callers with (I had always thought theirs was the worst music I would ever hear) and I also had to listen to the same Recorded Messages every 20 Seconds over and over.

Actually I have decided not to mention what I mentioned in the above paragraph so please go back and not read what you just read in the above paragraph.


Catch 22...

We are all familiar with the term Catch 22 but do you know exactly what it means? It means...

Ø If you are told you must do something to get something you want but, if you do what you are told to do, you will not get the something you want.

Ø In the book Catch 22 in order to be removed from Flying Duty (WW2 bombers)...

>You must ask to be relieved of Flying Duty.


>You must be crazy.

Ø However, if you ask to be relieved from Flying Duty, you must be sane because only a crazy person would want to stay on Flying Duty.


Whirlpool Just Catch 22’ed Me

Since they could not call me, they told me to call them on a different number they gave me in the email.

The Catch 22...If I want to talk to them I must call them but if I call them you can’t talk to them.

I did as instructed. I called them and they did not pick up the phone.

Would I kid u?
