Sunday, June 12, 2022

We Ought To Only Go Out Of Our Houses at Night Because the Sun Is Bad For Us...Or is it?


Some of you think I make things up and put them in my Blog. These Some of You feel this way because I do make things up to put into my Blog. Be advised, that I do not make everything up that I put into my Blog. Because of this feeling some of you have, I often insert Internet Links in my Blog in an attempt to prove that I did not make up what you are presently reading. Please do not feel any obligation to read all of the links I furnish. That would be a lot of reading and you might start to hate me. Don’t hate me! I mean well.


Is Melanoma Caused by Too Much Sunlight?


Is Melanoma Caused by Too Little Sunlight?

Despite all the bad press linking sun exposure to skin cancer, there’s almost no evidence at all to support it. There is, however, plenty of evidence to the contrary. Over the years, several studies have confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer. Melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure and can be increased by sunscreens.

Recap of the above paragraph...

Ø The Sun causes skin cancer...Used to be true but is no longer true.

Ø Sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer...Used to be false but is no longer false.

Ø Melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure...Used to be false but is no longer false.

Ø Sunscreens help prevent Melanoma...Used to be true but is no longer true.

Read All About It:


The next thing you know we will be told that Bacon is Good for the Brain!

My dear readers, welcome to The Next Thing...

“Without a doubt, the brain is one of the most important organs in the human body. Special nutrients are needed for the brain to operate properly and to prevent degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, which affects one out of every ten Americans over 65. Thankfully, eating a healthy quantity of bacon can help your brain perform at its best and enhance your brainpower. Bacon is high in choline, a nutrient that has been shown to slow the deterioration of memory with time. According to a recent study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, the use of choline in the creation of acetylcholine (a key neurotransmitter) may aid in the prevention of cognitive decline associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”

Read All About It!...  


There are some that say eating Bacon may be Bad for the Brain.

“Eating lots of bacon, hot dogs, cold cuts, salami and other processed meats may raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease”...

Read All About It!...


Are you confused because you have been putting all you faith in the Internet and here is the Internet telling you that Bacon Is Good for You and Bacon Is Bad for You. It may not be possible but I will now attempt to make it all of the above clear to you...

Bacon could be good for you but it could be bad for you. If you have any doubt about the prior sentence’s validity, we often go to the Internet because we have been trained to believe everything that we read on the Internet is Absolutely True.

My dear readers, my advice for you is:

Ø Seek out an answer on the Internet to whatever question you have at hand.

Ø When you find the answer to your question Do Not Read Any Further.

Ø If you do you do read further, you will find that the answer to your question that you just found, and you are so comfortable with, Is Not True.

Ø Why would you want to find out that what you know is the truth is not the truth?

If you think this Blog Posting is confusing to read, imagine how confusing it must have been to write this Blog Posting. A little sympathy for Fella would be greatly appreciated.

Would I kid u?
