Friday, March 20, 2020

What Does a Radio Sports Talking Head Talk About When There Are No Sports to Talk About?

Yesterday I was listening to a Sports Talk Show Radio Station as I was in my park trying to keep my heart from attacking me. It was interesting to hear the Talking Sports Heads talking on and on about nothing.

There are no games to talk about because there are no games being played. They were desperate to find something to talk about. How long can a Talking Sports Head be expected to talk about nothing?

One of them came up with the following Sports Talk About Something Topic For Discussion…
Which Athlete Will Be Able To Turn This Shutdown To His Own Advantage?

Ø The talking sports head who came up with the Topic For Discussion then offered his answer to his Topic for Discussion. He said it would be LaBron James because he is 35 years old and he could have used a rest if and when the season resumes for his playoff run. He said it was obvious last year LaBron was getting tired as the season drew to a close.
Ø Then it was his Co-Host Talking Sports Head’s turn to take a crack at the Topic for Discussion. She said it would be LaBron James because he is 35 years old and he could have used a rest if and when the season resumes for his playoff run. She said it was obvious last year LaBron was getting tired as the season drew to a close.
Ø Then it was the First Caller of the Day’s turn to take a crack at the Topic for Discussion. He said it would be LaBron James because he is 35 years old and he could have used a rest if and when the season resumes for his playoff run. He said it was obvious last year LaBron was getting tired as the season drew to a close.
Ø Then it was the Second Caller of the Day’s turn to take a crack at the question but I changed the station because somehow I had the feeling that I knew what he was going to say.

I’ve got an idea. We ought to cancel the Radio Sports Talk Shows until something new comes bouncing their way.

Would I kid u?