Sunday, June 04, 2023

The Star Spangled Banner Is Offensive!...Or is it?

The link below is hard to believe but believe it because it happened.

A Children’s Choir was stopped from a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangles Banner in the Capitol Rotunda by the intrepid Capitol Police.

As soon as the singing was stopped the excuses, confusion and back peddling started...

Ø It was a misunderstanding.

Ø It was a protest and protests are not allowed in the Rotunda.

Ø It was a mistake to stop the singing in the Rotunda.

Ø It was unacceptable to have started the singing in the Rotunda.

Ø A miscommunication stopped the singing in the Rotunda.

Ø It was offensive and offensiveness is not allowed in the Rotunda.

Ø It was unacceptable to stop the singing in the Rotunda.

Ø Singing is not authorized in the Rotunda unless it is authorized.

Ø The Choir Director said the female officer who told him to stop the singing insisted the singing was a demonstration and demonstrations are never authorized no matter who authorizes them in the Rotunda.

Ø The Choir Director said the female officer who told him to stop the singing told him “some people were offended” by the singing in the Rotunda.

Of all the Bullet Points above fella knows which one is the real reason why the singing was stopped...It’s the last one. People that are Offended are the Tail and the Tail is Wagging our Dog. The Dog is the whole of the Good Ole USofA and the velocity at which we are being wagged is making all of us dizzy and confused.

What we need to do is to start saying, "We don't care if you are Offended. You being Offended is your problem. Get over it."

Below is the link to the article about all of this. It’s not long. Take the time to watch it before you move onto Fella’s Sure-To-Work Fix. 


The real problem is this country’s obsession with and fear of any of us ever being Offended.

Fella’s Sure-To-Work Fix is simple...

The Federal Government should assign a Counter Offender to Every About To Be Offended Person in the Good Ole USofA. Whenever an Offended Person expresses his Offendedness, the Counter Offender should immediately step in and say that he is Offended by the Offended Person bothering us by telling us he is Offended.

Everyone knows that a second Offended Person takes Precedence over a First Offended Person and the first Offended Person’s Offendedness is automatically declared Null and Void.

This is a sure to work plan. The only drawback I see is the Federal Government is certain to say that the need to hire thousands of Federal Counter Offenders is certain to cause the Federal Government to apply for an Extraordinary Exemption to the constraints imposed on it by the recently passed Debt Ceiling Bill which is going to result in an increase in Federal Income Taxes.

I bet you could see this Federal Income Tax increase coming as soon as I started to lay out my Sure-To-Work Fix.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Oh My Gosh! This Is Awful! Spaghetti and Meatball Is Not An Italian Dish!

This is from the Internet (so you know it is true)...”Spaghetti and meatballs is a dish with both opponents and admirers. Some Italians find spaghetti and meatballs so outrageous that it’s insulting, while others, such as Italian Americans, regard it as an important part of their culture.” Source: .

Is not “Insulting” essentially the same as “Offending”? Are we about to find Spaghetti and Meatballs against Federal Law so as not to Offend Anybody?