We have been told that the Sanctions against Iran are Extremely Hard Hitting and are the most Stringent ever imposed on any country in history.
A very High Level Official in Iran was asked by an intrepid member of our Tenacious Foreign Correspondent Corps the following question: “How is your country coping with the Hard Hitting and Stringent sanctions that have been imposed on it by the International Community?”
The High Level Iranian Official got a confused look on his face and replied: “What Sanctions? I don’t know of any Sanctions.”
Back on the home front a High Level Administration Official was asked the following question by a Hard Driving Member of our Crack News Media: “Does it not concern you that the Good Ole USofA has a Budget Deficit that is growing by 3 Billion Dollars a day?”
The High Level Administration Official got a confused look on his face and replied: “What Deficit? I don’t know of any Deficit.”
You are kidding yourself if you think I am kidding u.