Sunday, December 15, 2019

It’s Awful Out There...Or is it?

We say we are feeling depressed. Simply stated we just feel things are not going right. We explain our frustration this way…
  • Our computer is running slow.
  • We have too many leftovers in our refrigerator.
  • We just found out that that new piece of furniture we ordered on the Internet is going to take 5 whole days to get to us.

Yea that’s tough all right. Sometimes we just want to scream. That’s about as frustrating and tough as anyone can stand…Or is it?
Let’s step back for a bit. Let’s look around and see if anyone has it as hard as we have.

Below are the first 3 paragraphs of an article in the Wall Street Journal…
“Marine commando Randy Hoffman’s plane took off from Kabul, climbed over the jagged mountains and turned toward home.
Somewhere down there was his tent, a piece of canvas stretched across a pit he had carved into a high-altitude ridge. Randy had spent most of the previous 2½ years in the mountains along the Pakistan border, turning Afghan villagers into soldiers.
Rugs covered the tent’s dirt floor. He had a wood stove for heat and collected catalogs of farm equipment and RVs to remind him of home in Indiana. A metal thermos stored the goat’s milk and cucumber drink delivered each morning by the mountain men who fought alongside him. He and the Afghans would sit on a dirt bench, talking about poetry, faith and honor, and how to make it through the next day alive.”
Go back and read the last 9 words of the above excerpt. Does that make our Slow Computer and our Abundant Supply of Leftovers and 5 Days Delivery Wait Time seem not too important?

Would I kid u?

Lagniappe: Col. Randy Hoffman served seven combat tours in Afghanistan, six of them highly classified missions, and one stint in Iraq.