Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Mr. Anonymous Can Get You Fired!

Mr. Anonymous gets people fired often. Below is a Hodgepodge of excerpts from one single article about the Firing of Tucker Carlson. If you are glad he was fired, try your best to not concentrate on your gladness. This Blog Posting asks you to think about the fairness of taking such dramatic and life changing actions against anyone without identifying who the accuser is.

Mr. Anonymous remains Anonymous in this one single article over and over...

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...one of the people said...

Ø ...the people said...

Ø ...according to a person familiar with the matter...

Ø ...Private messages sent by Mr. Carlson to colleagues...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...In a private text-message exchange about two weeks after Election Day...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...according to one document...

Ø ...Mr. Carlson wrote in another text message to a colleague, according to court documents...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...they said...

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...Much of the communications were redacted in court documents but became known internally to senior Fox management, they said...(Fella, wonders if Mr. Anonymous had anything to do with these communications becoming known?)

Ø ...Mr. Carlson also complained to a colleague...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Are you still glad he was fired? I’m still going to ask you to think about the fairness of destroying any person’s livelihood based on Hearsay, Rumor, Half Truths or Even Outright Lies.

Think of it this way...How would you feel if the job lost was your job?


I’m now going to do one of my 3 Bullet Point Examples. What if Dudley Do-Right lost his job because...

Ø  Complete lies about Dudley were left on the computer of Dudley’s boss by an identified someone who had an unbridled hatred of Canadian Cartoon Mounties who ride their horse while sitting backwards?

Ø Lies made up by a computer because someone told their laptop, “Make up believable lies about Dudley Do-Right.

Ø Deep Throat, late at night in that dark garage, handed the final damning goods on Richard Nixon to those 2 Washington Post Reporters. It was 10 years later the 2 Washington Post Reporters found out that Deep Throat was a terrible speller and he had misspelled “Richard Nixon” as “Dudley Do-Right”.


This is the last excerpt. I held it to last because it is Special. It was one of many transgressions of Mr. Carlson listed. I can’t figure out why this accusation is listed anywhere in any list other than a list of Silly Things That Happened in Washington, D.C.:

“Mr. Carlson also lamented changes made by candy giant Mars Inc. to different M&M mascots, including the decision to switch the green M&M’s footwear from boots to sneakers.”

That does it! How could he? Tucker Carlson had to be stopped!

Fella Final Thought: Do we spend too much time discussing accusations and too little time discussing whether or not the accusations are true?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: The sixth amendment, as part of the Bill of Rights, guarantees certain rights in all criminal prosecutions. One of the enumerated rights in the 6th Amendment is the right to be confronted with the witnesses against the accused. This right is known as the Confrontation Clause. The confrontation clause guarantees criminal defendants the opportunity to face the prosecution's witnesses in the case against them and dispute the witnesses' testimony. This guarantee applies to both statements made in court and statements made outside of court that are offered as evidence during trial.