Thursday, March 03, 2022

Better Than Nothing...Or is it?

I see where people all over the world who are Demonstration Prone have been coming out in force to show their Opposition to Vladimir Putin's Attack on Ukraine. It will probably make the demonstrators feel that they are doing the only thing they can do but someone ought to tell them that what they are doing will not have any effect on anything with regard to making Vladimir change course or even think for a moment about changing course.

I can’t read everyone’s minds but I seem to have a gift for reading the Demonstration Prone Mind. With the concealment afforded me by my Potted Plant Outfit I was able to get up close and personal to the Oscar DoGood the Leader of the Go Home You Big Bully Demonstration in downtown Atlanta last Sunday.

Here is what I read out of his mind. Luckily for us he thought his thoughts in Bullet Point Format...

Ø I can just see the look of horror on Vladimir’s face when he hears that we are out in force here in Atlanta.

Ø He is certainly going to think to himself...
>Oh no! Not Atlanta, Georgia! That’s where Oscar hangs out! This could change the Course of History!
>Oscar has been known to have his demonstrators Wave Signs!
>That Sign-Waving Technique of his has Changed Many Minds!
>Who’s idea was it to go into Ukraine and attack them like this anyway?
>It must have been one of my generals!

Igor! Send in my generals at once! Tell them to sit at the other end of my Shouting Table and I will shout a piece of my mind over at them!

The world will have to wait to find out if Oscar’s Atlanta Sign-Waving Demonstration will cause Vladimir's Mind to Change Itself. 

Fella thinks Vladimir will pay it No Never Mind (Definition of pay someone no mindto refuse to listen to what someone is saying or to notice what someone is doing to ignore someone).

Would I kid u?
