I just read in my newspaper that, if we build a new Export Terminal in Washington State to ship coal to China, we will be responsible for the pollution of China’s atmosphere when the coal is burned in China’s inefficient coal burning facilities.
In some people’s minds the U.S. is responsible for everything that happens ... everything bad.
Since the above is an undeniable Foolish Fact, my mind started churning on another evil that the good ole USofA is responsible for and how we can turn it into a source of job creation which will help our struggling economy in these dire economic times.
We are the breadbasket of the world. We export humongous amounts of grain all over the Earth and have been doing so for a very long time. The inevitable result of this grain exportation is methane produced by the cows that eat our grains. Our unending desire to make money is harming the ecology.
If our Federal Government would go on an all out campaign to ramp up plants all over the country to produce Cow Corks we would stimulate Manufacturing, Employment, Tax Revenue and help our Balance of Trade Numbers all at the same time. This is a Win Win idea if I have ever heard of one!
With this increase in Tax Revenue we could then increase our lobbying efforts to beg the Chinese to loan us more money.
Would I kid u?
Enjoy my mind wanderings. Thought provoking. Serious humor. Stimulating thought since 2006. Nathaniel Hawthorne-"Easy reading is damn hard writing." Tertullian-"Credo quia absurdum", I believe it because it is absurd. John Lennox-"Nonsense remains nonsense, even when talked by world-famous scientists." George Burns-"Someone who makes you laugh is a comedian. Someone who makes you think and then laugh is a humorist." Willy Wonka-"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."