Wednesday, March 14, 2018

I Must Be Smarter Than Even I Think I Am Smart

This proof of my smartness goes back to the beginning of the Electronic Age. Right from the get go, I was smarter than many “smart” College Professors because I knew they were doing something that was dumb but they thought was smart.


There I did it again. I confused you. I will now try and make it up to you, especially since I have succeeded in confusing myself.


Several years back I read that College Professors were allowing their students to bring their Electronic Devices to class to use while the College Professors were lecturing them and use these wonders of the Electronic Age to “take notes”.


I said to myself, “If I were as smart as College Professors are smart, I would be smarter than they are smart because I would not allow my students to be using those things while I was imparting knowledge in their direction”.


I asked one of these “smart” College Professors why he was doing such a dumb thing. He looked at me with distain (they are very adept at looking at me with distain) and said, “Fella, don’t you know that Electronic Note-Taking has been invented?”


I looked right back into his distain and said in my best oh yea, smarty pants tone, “Oh yea, smarty pants, don’t you know that the Pad and Pencil have already been invented?”


Yea, I know that some of you just said to your collective selves, “What’s could be the harm? Electronic taken notes are so organized and neat looking and note-worthy.”


It’s my turn. Allow me to explain my objection...

Ø The College Professor says to his Electronic Note Taking Class, “The battle of Hastings was fought in 1066”.

Ø The College Student did not hear exactly what the College Professor said because he just got one or two Instant Messages from one or two of his different Electronic Thingies sitting on his desk. These are things like...
>An inquiry from Tom asking if he wanted to do lunch today.
>A notification from Dick that Jennifer and Chuck just announced they were calling it quits and getting a divorce.
>A cartoon from Harry showing a 12 foot high mound of cigarette butts and advising him not to smoke cigarettes because smoking cigarettes can kill him with a footnote informing him of the benefits of Smoking Medical Marijuana.


Back to our College Student’s Class Notes which are truly organized and neat and look like this...

  The battle of lusterthing was fought in 6610.

That’s progress! ... Or is it?


I just finished reading the newspaper article that set my foolish juices flowing for this Blog Posting. I found this tidbit interesting... “Students complain professors just don’t understand how hard it is to write by hand”.


I have no sympathy. I wonder if they think they have it as hard as those farmers on the coast of England back in the 800’s who looked up every so often to see the Vikings coming out of their boats to burn down their houses and take all their livestock, all of their stored crops and all of their family members back to Scandinavia?


Others complain that it’s hard to read their own handwriting. To continue with my unsympathetic posture I say, “Write so you can read what you write and you will be able to read what you write”.


Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: I can’t believe that I just heard one of you say that professors at Cornell University have no sense of humor. To that one of you I offer this from my newspaper article...

The Cornell University student government last year unanimously passed a resolution encouraging the faculty to allow “greater freedom of student laptop usage.” Charles Van Loan, an emeritus professor of computer science and faculty dean at Cornell, said there was “zero interest” from the faculty senate in having such a policy for laptop use. “Keyboard noise is not protected under the First Amendment,” he said.”