The excerpt below is from an article entitled, “What’s Behind the Push for a Fourth Stimulus Check”. The way things are going we are going to have more Stimulus Checks than there were Rocky Movies. There is a difference between the Rocky Movies and the Stimulus Checks. The Rocky Movies came to an end but the people behind the push for Guaranteed Annual Income show no indication that they are going to stop their demand for more Stimulus Checks.
This is Slick Manipulation. Certainly in the beginning the far greater majority of us would say we were opposed to Guaranteed Annual Income but the Stimulus Check is seen as Temporary and is necessitated by THE Pandemic. After the Pandemic is over some of us feel that all the people who have been getting Stimulus Checks will put up their hand and say, “Stop! That’s enough”. Fella is not Silly enough to believe that’s going to happen.
Within the Excerpt is a link (new analysis) to a very long and very frightening article about what our future might be. Read it, if you must but it just might ruin your day.
The Excerpt: “Despite that financial assistance, millions of Americans remain in financial distress, with about 4 in 10 people saying their income remains below its pre-pandemic levels, according to a survey from financial services firm TransUnion. The pandemic worsened the hardship that many families experienced even before the crisis, with more than 1 in 4 households unable to pay for basics like rent or food in at least one of three years from 2014 to 2016, according to a new analysis of data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.”
Allow me to introduce you to the Sidney Gotitall Family. This family is one of the 1 in 4 families that were unable to pay for basics like rent or food in at least one of three years from 2014 to 2016. (Do you ever wonder how the people who write article like this come up with such statistics? I sure do.)
Why did the Sidney Gotitall Family run out of money to pay rent back in August 2015? Thanks to my Potted Plant Outfit I know the why and now, thanks to my little known Blog, Foolishness...Or Is It?, you are going to know the why also.
Rather than pass judgment on Sidney (something we used to be able to do but have not been able to do since somewhere around 2012) I’ll simply list a few Could It Possibly Be’s...
- Could It Possibly Be because Sidney recently bought a 75
Inch Flat Screen TV?
>When asked why he felt he needed a 75 Inch Flat Screen TV he responded, “I was comfortable with my 50 Inch Flat Screen TV but I knew I needed bigger when My Cousin Vinnie bought his 65 Inch Flat Screen TV. I had never been behind Vinnie by any measure of anything that is measurable until then. I felt sick. I felt inadequate. I felt ashamed. I did the only thing any red blooded American would have done. I jumped back in front of Vinnie where I belonged. It’s at times like these when I am thankful for my Costco Executive Card Membership!” - Could It Possibly Be because Sidney drives a Fully Electric,
Fully Connected, BMW iX Sports Activity Vehicle?
> When asked why he felt he needed a Fully Electric, Fully Connected, BMW iX Sports Activity Vehicle he responded, “I can’t believe it! You dare ask me this question! I will not apologize for my determination to Save The Planet so that future generations can have a future!” - Could It Possibly Be because Sidney goes to the South of
France every February to get away from it all?
>The look of distain that Sidney gave the lady with the microphone when she asked about his travails to the South of France could have melted another 12 square feet of the Polar Ice Cap. He could hardly contain himself when he replied, “Well I never!” He then walked out of the interview room as he flicked the remote for his Fully Electric, Fully Connected, BMW iX Sports Activity Vehicle so he could get the engine started so he could get the air conditioning started so his ride could be nice and cool when he climbed in.
I’ll now stop being silly now and dare to make some of you really mad at Fella. Fella does not think that all people who were unable to pay for basics like rent or food in at least one of three years from 2014 to 2016 are throwing their money away willy-nilly on frivolous frivolities. On the other hand I also believe that the people who are proposing increased never-ending ever increasing funding of all of us are pulling the wool over our tax-paying eyes when they tell us that all of us are managing our money using a good common-sense decision making process while keeping in mind that their current income is not a never-ending stream that, if over spent, can be supplemented with what I would call Unearned Income and they would call their Just Desserts. (I do not apologize for the prior sentence being too long. It is too long because it had to be too long.)
If making you laugh will make you less mad at me for daring to say what I think, then read what Merriam-Webster has to say about “Just Desserts and Just Deserts”. If Mr. Merriam and Mr. Webster can laugh at what they put in their Dictionary, we can allow ourselves to allow Fella to poke fun at Child Poverty...Or can we?
The English language is fond of occasionally embracing its whimsical and illogical side, in order to keep things interesting for the people who attempt to use it. For instance, the most common noun form of desert (“arid land with usually sparse vegetation”) is pronounced the same way as the adjectival form of this word (“desolate and sparsely occupied or unoccupied”), but not the same way as the verb (“to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return”), even though all three words come from the same source (the Latin deserere, “to desert”). The verb desert is pronounced the same way as the dessert you eat after dinner (which comes from the Latin servir, “to serve”). And, to make things even more interesting (by which we mean confusing), there is another noun form of desert, spelled the same as the “arid land” word, but pronounced like the thing one eats after dinner, and with a meaning that is similar to neither.
OK. Some of you are mad at me again. Will you forgive me if I promise never to be Silly or Foolish in any future Blog Posting? Ok I promise...Or am I serious about this “promise”?
Would I kid u?