Thursday, December 03, 2020

I Demand You Let Me Pay For Something!

If you have watched TV in the last 2 months, you have seen (actually have been bombarded with) commercials for Medicare Advantage. The Fella Perspective has this to say about that...

I have a lot of skepticism for a Health Care Program...

  • Where you will not have to pay co-pays.
  • Where you will not have to pay monthly premiums.
  • Where Medicare will pay you a “Refund” each month.
  • Where Hearing Aides are included.
  • Where Prescription Drugs are include.
  • Where Dental Care is included.
  • Where Eye Glasses are included.
  • Where Meals are delivered to your house.
  • Where Joe Namath will come to your house and pick you up and take you to all your doctor appointments.

What the heck is wrong with you guys? Have you forgotten...

  • There is no such thing as a Free Lunch!
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it isn’t true!
  • Maxwell Smart who, after he told you a lie and he saw that you had not fallen for his lie, would say, “Would you believe...?” and look you straight in the eye and try and see if you would fall for a new and different lie.

Breaking News: This just in from the Office of Joe Namath... “Hey guys, I certainly did not mean to imply that I personally will pick each and every one of you up and take you to your doctor appointments. That would, of course, be an insurmountable task. I have, however, hired 2 assistants to help me. Don’t worry you none. Fred, Sidney and I will get you to your doctor on time! I Guarantee It!”

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Forget about all of them (Medicare, Medicaid, Hillary Care, Obama Care, Biden Care, Medicare for All, Medicare for Illegal Citizens)!

This seems like a No Brainer to me...

Put everyone in the Good Ole USofA on Medicare Advantage!

Don’t worry about where the money will come from. Congress could pass a law that Medicare Advantage stop their TV Ads for 7 days, Congress could confiscate the money saved and that would be more than enough.