Wednesday, January 05, 2022

COVID-19 Evolution

I had an appointment on Tuesday January 4th (yesterday) with my Primary Care Physician for my Semi-Annual Physical.

On Monday January 3rd I received a phone call telling me that my Primary Care Physician had COVID and my appointment would have to be delayed until he returned.

I was also told that one of his 2 nurses had COVID and the other nurse’s son had COVID.


If my Doctor and his nurse and his other nurse’s son had gotten COVID in the early days of The Pandemic here is what would have happened...

  • There would be lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth because they all had been diagnosed with The Disease!
  • The phone call would have speculated about whether my Primary Care Physician his nurse and his other nurse’s son would survive or not.
  • Just to be on the safe side I would have been advised to begin planning on how I would go about getting a new Primary Care Physician who did not have The Disease!


That was then and this is now...

I received a phone call telling me that my Primary Care Physician his nurse and his other nurse’s son had COVID and asking me if I would be available to come in on Tuesday the 11th (exactly 1 week delay) for my Semi-Annual Physical.


Those of my Dear Readers who have been My Dear Readers for awhile probably know what my next line is going to be...

The Times They Are A-Changin’


Would I kid u?
