Friday, September 13, 2013

Wanna Meet A Fool? ... Meet Me

I keep saying I am Smart. Now I say I am dumb. Why the change? Allow me to demonstrate how smart I am by proving how dumb I am.

Our radio waves are full of advertisements from companies claiming to be capable of standing between you and the Internal Revenue Service and deflecting its attacks on you and beating it into submission.

These services never mention a fee but there must be a fee but I am sure it is not much ... Or am I? ... because they sound so sincerely concerned about the beleaguered Tax Payer’s well being and happiness.

Here are a few of the claims made by these wonderful organizations...

  • Client's Total Liability to IRS: $6,878,404
    Settlement: $0
    Savings: $6,878,404 (100%)
  • Client's Total Liability to IRS: $27,900
    Settlement: $1,200
    Savings: $26,700 (96%)
  • Clients Total Liability to IRS: $212,555
    Settlement: $2,400
    Savings: $210,155 (99%)
  • Clients Total Liability to IRS: $94,000
    Settlement: $2,046
    Savings: $91,954 (98%)
  • Clients Total Liability to IRS: $304,231
    Settlement: $73.00
    Savings: $304,158 (99%)
  • Client's Total Liability to IRS: $87,000
    Settlement: $1,500
    Savings: $85,500 (98%)
  • Client's Total Liability to IRS: $500,000
    Settlement: $10,000
    Savings: $490,000 (98%)

Do you get my drift in my Subject Line Question above? I am obviously dumb because I have always paid my taxes. The question for you, my dear reader, is... Are you as dumb as the Smartfella?

Would I kid u?



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