Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Boycotts Are Not Working

Fella Boycott #1…
I refuse to pay $6 (minimum) for a bag of popcorn in movie theatres! Popcorn used to cost me $.05 a bag when I was a child. I say to myself, “Self, I agree that inflation has driven up the cost of that $.05 bag up to $.10 but I refuse to be ripped off like this! I’m going to make the Movie Theatres of the Good Ole USofA sit up and take note of my money not being in their coffers. They are going to be forced to reduce the price of their Pop Corn to a more reasonable $.15 a bag!”

Result of Fella’s Boycott of Pop Corn…
I read in this morning’s newspaper that AMC Entertainment Movie Holdings, Inc. sells 25 Million Pounds of Pop corn a Year and overall their 3rd Quarter Food and Beverage Sales were up 9% over last year.
Fella Boycott #2…
I Don’t Do Facebook! I don’t have a Facebook Account! I Don’t Do Facebook!

Results of Fella’s Boycott of Facebook…
I read in this morning’s newspaper that Facebook is More Valuable than General Electric, AT&T and Citigroup COMBINED!
Fella Boycott #3…
This is the boycott that I did not know I was boycotting.

I have been boycotting eating what my newspaper calls, “A Food Sensation of the Decade”.

I now realize I have been boycotting the Croissant-Donut Hybrid called a Cronut.

Results of Fella’s Boycott of the Cronut…
I’m not sure this can be actually categorized as a boycott because, while I was boycotting the Cronut, I did not know what a Cronut was and I’m still not sure what it is.

I could Google Cronut but I’m boycotting Google because they track everything we do. I search with Duck Duck Go because they do not track everything we do.

I am certain that my efforts to teach Google a lesson they will never forget is certain to bring Google to its knees any day now…Or will my efforts do that?

While I am refusing to Google Cronut please do not ask me why I don’t Duck Duck Go Cronut. I don’t have a good answer.

Maybe I’m too confused. I'm confused? That does not sound like me…Or does it?

Would I kid u?