There was a time when we thought that the Truth, Justice and the American Way was what we were all about. Now it appears that we are all about Obfuscation, Trickery and We Know What You Did Thirty Years Ago.
Our candidates don't talk about Issues very much. Instead we bombarded with Rumors, Out-Right Lies and Molehill Magnifications.
Those of you who read my Foolishness…Or Is Its? know I often use the absurd to make what I think are logical points. This is exactly why I can’t be President of the good ole USofA. My silliness would certainly be taken out of context and I would be beaten into submission.
Here are just three examples…
- Criminal Education… I have advocated educating our criminals so that they will become more effective at their chosen profession.
- Economic Pump Priming… Contrary to the wishes of our Federal Government which wants us to spend every dollar we get our hands on, I have dared to put in writing my long-held belief that we ought to save our money.
- Child Safety… I openly took the position that riding babies backwards in the rear seats of automobiles is confusing the little tykes.
It could be worse. At least they never found out that I dipped Margo Quigley’s pig tail in my ink well… Or did they?
Would I kid u?