We (not me) are obsessed with Facebook. We (not me) think the world is just dying to know…
Ø We had a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich for lunch…Who Cares?
Ø We might go shopping this afternoon. On the other hand we may not go shopping this afternoon. Rest assured, once we make up our mind about going shopping, we will be sure to post the decision to go or not to go shopping on Facebook…Who Cares?
Ø The people in Busockistan are having a hard time getting an adequate supply of Local Honey. We think that our Congress ought to allocate funding to increase their availability of Local Honey. Congress ought to get to work on this unnecessary project as soon as they finish not working on all those worthy projects they are not working on…Who Cares?
What kicked off this tirade? It was the Bumper Sticker I just saw which read…
Proud Owner of a Rescued Dog
It truly must make that Rescued Dog proud to know that its Rescuer Person is Proud.
Would I kid u?