Dear Reader, through your mind’s eye gaze with me at a very common scene in a modern American household...
- Modern parent is looking at modern child with a puzzled look.
- Modern child is playing video games ... all day long.
- The puzzled modern parent says to the other modern parent of the video game playing modern American child “Is this doing our child any good? Might it not be better if all this effort were devoted toward a text book of some kind?”
- Other parent who is really modern says confidently, “Don’t worry. What you are witnessing is Eye/Hand Coordination Skills being developed to the very highest of levels right before your very puzzled eyes.”
- Puzzled parent says, “Oh, I see.”
- Puzzled parent withholds any further comment for fear of being overheard by the modern child and damaging modern child’s self esteem.
The Good News is there are jobs out there for workers with well developed Eye/Hand Coordination Skills. These trained specialists are being hired by the CIA to Operate Unmanned Aircraft over in the Middle East to blowup bad guys.
The Bad News is America is developing 37,000,000 such highly trained workers and the CIA has 27 positions for such workers.
Would I kid u?