New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet
I read the article twice but did not understand a lot of it. I said to myself, “Self, why do you not understand it? You went to college. You are well read. You are on the verge of publishing your first book. Ernest Hemingway was once on the verge of publishing his first book. What’s wrong with you?” (Note: I talk to myself a lot.)
Then it dawned on me. I could not understand it because it was full of Harvard Speak. This is a language unto itself that only Harvard Graduates (and a few Princeton or Yale Graduates) can understand.
The Folks Back Home (that’s us) are kept in the dark because so many of our leaders are graduates of this prestigious university. We will never be able to comprehend what they are doing to us. As soon as possible we need to make a dramatic shift in the good ole USofA!
We need to stop having so many of these Harvard Graduates in charge of everything. We need to turn over this country to professors from colleges out in the heartland of America. We need people from educational institutions with names like, Willow Valley Community College (Motto: We are here to serve you three days a week.)
Regarding this article here is a comparison of what we have now to what we would have if my somewhat brilliant idea came to pass…
- Harvard Speak … This regulation would see to it that the American People enjoy the benefits of an optimal synchronized transitional time-phase projection shift.
- Willow Valley Speak … We will not allow that to happen because it would not be nice.
Now would that not be better?
Since I am now at the bottom of this Foolishness…Or Is It? I will give you The Bottom Line …
As I have stated above, I can’t figure out what this article is dictating to me but I know for sure that, when all the dust is settled, the folks back home will get to “enjoy” a new Revenue Enhancement (formerly known as a Tax Increase).