Here is how it works…
- Modern American Up & Comer (MAUC) gets a good education.
- MAUC lands a good job.
- MAUC appears to have all the money he will ever need.
- MAUC goes about gathering all the things around him that will make him happy forever.
- MAUC see an advertisement for a product or service that will be an integral part of his very well laid out and happy existence.
- MAUC is educated (remember good education in first bullet above) and he knows he can afford to pay $59.95 per month.
- MAUC contracts to pay $59.95 per month.
This scenario is repeated over and over and MAUC is living well with all his products and services all around him and then all of a sudden MAUC goes broke. What happened?
What happened was MAUC contracted for numerous Modern American “Necessities” of Life that he could afford but he could not afford.
Here is how that works…
- This goodie (and many other goodies) only costs an affordable amount of money.
- They only cost this affordable amount of money for a limited period of time.
- After that limited period of time they cost a long-term not affordable amount of money.
Should Not Have Happened: Our acquiring person looks at a commitment and says to himself, “Self, this only cost $59.95. I can afford $59.95”.
Should Have Happened: Our acquiring person looks at a commitment and says to himself, “Self, they can’t trick me. After six months this costs $99.99 … forever. I can’t afford $99.99 … forever”.
If you do this kind of thing over and over you just might find yourself broken one day.
Would I kid u?