Friday, November 05, 2010

Initial Product Offering?

William C. Durant, better know as Billy Durant...
Billy Durant founder of General Motors
General Motors began as a Corporation in September 1908 but in the very near future it will have its Initial Public Offering (IPO).

How can that be? Does not “initial” have something to do with First Time or Original?

Maybe they are confused over at GM? Maybe they got their wording mixed up? Maybe they ought to be having...
  • An “Another Public Offering” (APO)?
  • A “We Really Need the Money Public Offering” (WRNMPO).
  • A “Latest Public Offering” (LPO).
At first I thought GM’s Initial Public Offering idea was foolish. Considering everything else that is going on in the world, this one is probably not very high on the Foolishness Scale... Or is it?

Would I kid u?
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