Taxation Without Representation Was Bad But Taxation With Representation Is Proving To Be Worse
One of our newly elected Governors who promised not to raise taxes during his campaign last year has now proposed a slew of new taxes to close a $3.7 billion deficit swollen by Labor Contracts and Pension obligations. This deficit was public knowledge while he was promising not to raise taxes. He now says he merely wants to “expand” the tax base (whatever that means) by raising taxes on...
Ø Newspapers
Ø Textbooks
Ø Magazines
Ø Wine
Ø Liquor
Ø E-Cigarettes
Ø Plastic Bags
Ø Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
Ø All Cars and Trucks That Traverse State Highways
Another Governor who was elected to his 3rd term last November (his minions must like higher taxes) is flexing his Taxation Muscles by proposing...
Ø A “congestion tax” of $11.52 for Cars, $25.35 on Trucks and $5 on For-Hire vehicles on every trip into his biggest city’s central business district.
Ø The above bullet comes on top of a dozen or so other subway taxes and a $2.50 to $2.75 surcharge imposed last year on Taxi and For Hire Rides that is raising only enough revenue to offset declining subway and bus ridership.
Another Governor is getting into the act by raising taxes to finance “Free” College, Universal Preschool and Medicaid Expansion by extending the State 7% Sales Tax to...
Ø Netflix
Ø eBooks
Ø iTunes
Ø Interior Decorating
Ø Landscaping
Ø Shooting Ranges
Ø Beach Parking
Ø Re-Imposition the Obamacare Penalty for Individuals Without Health Insurance.
Ø Creation of a new $1,500 penalty on large “for-profit” employers for each employee who enrolls in Medicaid.
Yet another Governor wants to...
Ø Refinance his state’s Pension Debt by Taxing Plastic Bags, Marijuana and Sports Betting.
Ø However, the above bullet’s revenue will only cover the Pension Debt Shortfall until voters approve a referendum next year replacing the State’s Flat 4.95% Income Tax with a Progressive Tax.
Ø To prove that they will say anything to get their new Higher Taxes Approved, this Governor actually dares to say the Progressive Tax will spare the Middle Class. How can this be?
It could be worse...
We Could Be Taxed Every Time A Newly Elected Politician Proposed Actions That Are Directly In Contradiction to What They Said They Were Going To Do During Their Campaign for Office
I might say that this Lying Tax could be the straw that broke the camel’s back but I now believe that we are so Foolish that most of us probably believe that New Higher Taxes really can fix darn near anything.
We are so used to taxes going up that we will probably just keep saying to our collective selves, “I’m going to wait till the next straw and then I’m going to really get upset!”
Would I kid u?