If I were so inclined I could harangue you to the precipice of boredom telling you about how right I have been in the past about a whole bunch of different subjects. I could but I won’t because I know that most of you are getting ready for Football Season.
What those of you who are not getting ready for football season are going to do with yourselves between now and next January I don’t know. What I do know is I feel sorry for the emptiness each of you will experience for five months.
Past Brilliance...
On October 10, 2011 I posted a blog that explained how we are moving further and further ahead with our Presidential Primary Season and, by the time the 2048 Primaries come around, we will be holding them before the 2044 Presidential Election actually takes place.
(If you are not tired of me when you finish reading this Foolishness, you can click on the link at the bottom and read my 2011 Future Forecasting Posting.)
Current Proof of My Past Brilliance...
We are at it again! I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal (September 1, 2012) which discusses the Potential Nominees in both major parties who are the strongest contenders for the 2016 Election.
I am pretty up to date about such things because, I am sorry to say, I follow political happenings more than I like to admit. I have never heard of several of the discussed Potential Nominees. I guess that’s about right because they have not been invented yet.
Would I kid u?
Click Here: http://forii.blogspot.com/2011/10/based-on-recent-past-this-is-absolute.html