Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Our Courts Are Powerful! ... Or Are They?

Today a nut (can I be sued for saying he was a nut?) took hostages, caused a ruckus at the Discovery Channel building and was killed. Could we have stopped him from doing all what he did? Our Court System certainly thought that it could.

It seems he had caused a ruckus at this same building a couple of years ago. Our Court System took action! They ordered him to stay 500 feet away from Discovery Headquarters. That worked well did it not?

Can’t you just hear this nut’s attorney (if he had not been killed today and was on trial) saying, “You Honor, my client used a GPS to determine when he was exactly 501 feet from the entrance to the building and he jumped to 499 feet.”

Can’t you just hear Your Honor saying in response, “You know you have a point there, counselor.”

Would I kid u?
The Discovery ChannelImage by icantcu via Flickr
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Nose To The Grindstone... Not!

Saw this in my newspaper today. It was an article about one of our U.S. Senators. It was not Senator Foghorn Leghorn. It was one of our well-known Senators. Here is what the article said about him and I quote...
“who spent his working career in residential real estate”

Scene of the Public Domain short film Image via WikipediaDo you see the key word? I’m sure you got it! The key word is “working”. Now that he is a U.S. Senator the article says he is no longer working!

Would I kid u?
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