Saturday, February 23, 2013

This Would Not Fix All Our Spending Problems BUT It Would Be A Good Start

If you click on the link below, you can read about how one Senator in one year saved $600,000 in the expenditures needed to run his Senate Office by being frugal...

$600,000 times 435 Members of Congress Equals $261,000,000 a Year

That, my dear readers, is more than a drop in the bucket. That is a Good Start.

Click Here:


I know I have many Economists in my list of readers and I know every one of them just said, “On the other hand (Economists love to say, “On the other hand” Smile), Smartfella, $261,000,000 is not a lot of money. Our Post Office loses that much money in only 10.44 days”.*

* Source: Reuters News Agency February 20, 2013...”the Postal Service losing roughly $25 million a day as more Americans opt for email and the Internet for communication”.

In my ongoing attempt to be completely forthcoming with my readers please understand I added the underline to the words “a day”.

Would I kid u?


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